Dealing with Mom

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Music: The Reprimand

We cut to the next scenes, that inside the palace the Queen was not happy, with her only three daughters, even Arthur, Uncle Brill and Baby Ruby, where there to see this.

Grandmamah: Why did the gods of Greece, of the lord Poseidon, command me to raise, this worthless, painful, outrageous daughters, that I ever, get to know of. And they said, raising kids was a good thing. But it didn't.

Young Agatha: Mother, It wasn't my-

Grandmamah: Agatha, close your tongue. (As she explain this) I was meant, to train you, in the ways of the krakens. For our family, the women, can only turn us into giant forum. And here, I thought you were running out of money.

Matilda: No mom. We were just going to accept this challenge.

Athena: And save a lot of money, for Agatha to retire. And shall half of our wealth to our dumb brother Brill.

Grandmamah: Retire. Retire of what.

Young Agatha: To live my own life, and raising a family, into the world above.

Grandmamah: (As she worries of her details) Oh, I see. And do you, touch the land ground, Agatha.

Young Agatha: Yes I do.

Grandmamah: When the giant kraken women, touch the land ground, they became small, as the size of a human. Meaning that they wanted to become land dwellers as well. Of course getting along with humans, will not be easy. Cause some People, thinks that we are different, and they won't know about us, until we spill the beans.

Matilda: Yes, if one of us ever met human, who befriended you, then he might what to know our secret. And then you tell it, to free it.

Grandmamah: Then perhaps, he will never understand you, as he'll send some friends to banish you away. Or capture you, lock you in a cage for special attractions. That is why, we can not become as Human. And getting along with them, will be confusing. Because, Humans and Krakens can not be together. It is too dangerous. Beside, the ocean and the Kraken Palace, is your real home. When I past on to the next world, so you will be the new queen of the Krakens. You will be the next leader, in our family, and raise our Kraken army into battle. And save our family, from certain monsters, especially the Mermaids.

Matilda: Well, I know about the Mermaids. I think they look cute.

Athena: (To her sister) She's talking about our enemies. The Evil Mermaids.

Grandmamah: Yes! And their leader, Queen Nerissa. She was the worst of them all. She's beautiful and sensual and very nasty! She wanted to take control our kingdom once, and then she'll rule the world. If she ever grow stronger everyday, then you Agatha must destroy her.

Young Agatha: But what if we try to convince them, that they'll not evil. We could make them as friends.

Grandmamah: No! There dangerous. There shift-shapers of their merman kingdom. And she and her sirens can do anything, to poison the mind of a every Humans, and the Krakens of what ever she desires. (As she kept talking, but Agatha wouldn't listen) You must prepare for this last challenge, and to defeat the Mermaid Queen, in order  to save us all. And when it's done, A Kraken always the call.

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