A New Home for the Gillman Family

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We dissolve to the next scene where up on land, Agatha and her Family were at the pier of a famous country, Canada.

Young Agatha: (To his husband) Are you sure this is? For our new home?

Young Arthur: (Answered) Of course dear. Canada is the most wonderful place. It has everything we know, more then my version under the sea. It had tall mountains, tall tree, a nice village, great animals, and the symbol of the Canada flag.

Young Agatha: And the Mounties.

Young Arthur: Yes and.. the What?

Young Agatha: The Mounties. The law enforcement of the police. A Canada Version of the officers. Cause if they knew, we're different, they'll send us to the bars.

Young Arthur: Aw, come on. Mounties can not be so bad.

As they pause and heard something. It was a Mountie that look like the figure of Metro Man from Megeman, as he ride his horse, Altivo from the Road to El Dorado. As he sings a rock song, galloping through the street, but softly as they boogie to the beat.

♪ Last night is a night
I will remember you by
When I think of things we did,
it makes me want to cry

Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before?
When I held you near you were so sincere
Treat me like you d-♪

Just then he pause.

Mountie: Whoa-there. (He and his horse turn around and there he saw nothing, cause the early Gillman Family were gone, as he started to act curious.) Hmm. That's strange. I thought I saw somebody. Someone who is big, and the other was smaller. Thinking their were newcomers in our country, wanna to live here in Canada with us.
(The Horse blow on his lips) But of course strange things will happen to us. Especially that someone is not human, but something of a different species. Who can good or bad. And if there good to us, we'll respect them, and honor them as heroes. Would you like that Altivo. (As the horse neighs) Yeah, but it won't happen, when it does. Someone out there can be a hero, and for a hero, he or she will have to reveal who he or she was, by telling the truth. And the truth will set them free. (To his horse) Well, back for night watching. Let's go Altivo.

♪We said our goodbye, ah, the night before
Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before
Now today-♪

And so he left, and what he didn't know that Agatha and Arthur and her baby Ruby, were hiding on the billboard poster, being still of a monster movie attack. Until they start to move again.

Young Arthur: You're right. The Canada country will be crawling with Mountie soldiers. And there will be no place to hide. If Nerissa find you someday in this. So, what do you suggest, that we do now?

Music: Nature Boy

Then Agatha thought of a notice from the boy she met at River Green Ocean.

Young Connor's Voice: Oceanside would be a great city for me. Meeting new friends, going to school. And even a friend, who can be special.

Young Agatha: (Then she has a idea) I think I know, just the place.

Then we cut to the next scene, where in was late one morning when the sun was almost rising, and Agatha and her family have found the place, they wanted to be in. As Agatha hold her child, as Arthur watches to see her big Agatha for the last time.

Music from The Land Before Time

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