Agatha Runs Away

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Music from Kung Fu Panda and The Pagemaster

As we fade in the next scene, everyone inside the palace of the Krakens, all the little krakens and all the fishes in the oceans are swimming, dancing, and celebrate this glory, for the last two giant krakens. Grandmamah and Agatha. Even Agatha's Family were proud of her.

Grandmamah's Narration: And so it ends. The war was over. The Merpeople hide and retreat except for the Nerissa. She will be prepare her revenge, but soon. And the ocean and the Kraken Kingdom was safe. Two of us, were the only ones to survive. While two of my last daughters, Matilda and Athena, pay a sacrifice for us. And have lay in sea, in their resting crown.

Ruby's Narration: And you were going to make my mom a great queen-making moment, in progress?

Grandmamah's Narration: Yes. And then afterwords, we were going to crush the mermaids. But it didn't work out, very well. Cause this was the moment when your mother, decided to leave the Kraken Kingdom, and her wisdom.

As everything was quiet a bit, Agatha sit down and was felt stressful a bit, while her mother made the announcement.

Grandmamah: Fellow krakens, here at last, the war is clearly over! (As the crowd cheers) Nerissa and her merpeople pirates, have all ran away, and hide in their retreat. But they'll be back, as will be ready for them. In the meantime, my greater daughter, Princess Agatha, is going to be my successor. As she'll become the new queen, before my absence. And to take the throne in my place.

Young Agatha: (As she was shocked) What? I'm gonna be a... a what now?!

Grandmamah: (To her daughter) Agatha, you are now the new queen. And your will be pleased, by giving this crown to you. Before we place it, just say something to our people. Address the crowd.

Agatha looks at the crowd and she even saw Brill, his husband Arthur, and her little daughter, Ruby.
Then she shouted out with one thing.

Young Agatha: (Breathing and stressing herself) Mother... I think. I can't! (As she begins to refuse, while the kraken people was shocked)

Grandmamah: What?

Young Agatha: The truth is... I can't do it! I don't want to become queen.

Grandmamah: But, Agatha is your dest-

Young Agatha: I can't. I JUST CAN'T RIGHT NOW! (As she swims from her mother and the crowd) I JUST CAN'T!!!

The Kraken People were so upset about the new reluctant queen which is young Princess Agatha. As Grandmamah and the rest went after her. Then Agatha was in the entrance hall as she submit her servant, which is eel named Felix.

Young Agatha: Felix! FELIX! Go to my room! Pack up everything! My husband and I, are leaving the Kraken Kingdom today! And Hurry!!

Felix: Yes, your highness! (As he swim off to get her things)

Then Grandmama and the confused kraken mob enters as they stop the princess.

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