The Three Sisters

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As Brill and Grandmamah, we're ready to expland. As sweet gentle music appears.

Brill: I know it wasn't easy. But your Mom's Sisters were the best. And they were my best sisters too. There were three princess that have protect the sea and land.

Grandmamah: And for Agatha and your aunts, they were the best fighters in the sea. The large orange one, is Auntie Matilda.

Brill: The dark blue one, is your Auntie Athena.

Music: Kung Fu Panda: Training Music

Grandmamah: And the pink one, was your mother, Ruby. Our greatest warrior. I raise these daughters, to protect our sea land from certain danger.

Brill: Heya, They fought those bad creatures, and protect the Ocean Floor.

Grandmamah: And for that Ruby, your mother was strongest kraken of them all. She was a leader in her group. And she was bravest of them all. Until she turn scare and...

Ruby:... And ran away from home. And becoming a normal human, everyday.

Grandmamah: Yes. And I know, you first heard of it, and now your going to hear more. About your mother, your aunts, and how she ended this Kraken and Mermaid wars.

As Ruby and her friends sit down as they listen to the story.

Bliss: I think this is gonna be good.

Trevin: Perfect. Like seeing a flashback story.

Bliss: Don't spoiler it.

Grandmamah: (As she begins) It has been 15 years ago. When your mother...

Margot: (As she pauses this) If were listing to this Kraken and Mermaid War story, then why don't we ever dream of star in this story with Kevin Kline or Angela Lansbury.

Grandmamah: (As she stop her) Please...

Margot: (Then she settle down, and was done) Okay, I'm listening.

Ruby: Please continues.

Music: The Squard and Oceanside

Grandmamah: (As she begins) It has been 15 years ago. When your mother, was a great warrior princess, in our time. In our days in the kraken kingdom. She was brave, bold and daring, her sisters, were wise, great, and full since of humor. Cause they work together to be team. And I thought them all I know. How to fight, how to stay alive, and how to swim faster too. It was in the year, of 2008, when your mother marries your father...
(As the Queen begins the tale as it fades to the 2D animated flashback story, where we see the whole ocean with fishing swimming and even jellyfish swimming as well.) Arthur, a Kraken from Canada. She was very shy to your father when she was 18 year old being as a teenager like you, just when you were shy to Connor as always. But, she wasn't scare at all, not like, ha, ha, ha, I won't spill it Ruby. I promise.

Ruby: (Voiceover) Sure, just save it. Cause we have this new exhibit, that we're going to show for my friends, right?

Grandmamah's Narration: Yes exactly. Now, as I was saying. She was lucky, she had a man like Arthur. Then, when they were married, and from the sightly tight of her tentacles, you were born. And was worthy for your destiny as we know it. But this is how life have been from your mother, after you were born. One night, a long time ago, deep in the sea, The sea creatures wanted to have a brawl.

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