The Karkens and Mermaids War

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Music: Military

Cut to Grandmamah and her large Kraken armies.

Grandmamah: A War!!! (As she spoke to her army and her daughters) A War between the Krakens and Mermaids have just begun. We knew Queen Nerissa, have found the ultimate weapon of destruction and death. And that is, The Triton of Oceanus. It's in the hand of the mermaid queen, and now she has used to become the mighty and evilness mermaid of them all. For her plans, she and her mer-army, Will cross through our path, and rid all that is good in our kingdom. Then in her next assignment, she and her army, will cross up the surface, and destroy every lives, in the human world. If she isn't stop, then the whole world will doom. Our Kingdom will be perish, and the humans will have no choice but to serve her as their slaves. So, are you all with me?

Maditla: Uh, Mom. Don't you mean "us" Because we're right behind you all the way.

Grandmamah: Oh yes, I forgot (As she start again) (Caugh) Now, now are you all with us?

Kraken Soilders: Yaaaaahhhhhh!

Grandmamah: Then let's go!

As the giant Kraken warriors, begin for battles as the float on carrying their weapons and their glowing skins. All were going except for Agatha and her Mother.

Young Agatha: I really sorry about this Mother. We were so close of getting the Triton.

Grandmamah: No, Daughter. I know that Nerissa has triumph a little. But if she isn't going to start her world conquest, then it I who will failed you. And you'll be banished as you want to. (So she exit)

As Agatha was concerned, then she float off with her mother.

A Montage scene of where the kraken shoulders were ready for battle.

Music: Captian Jack Sparrow

Grandmamah's Narration: So, it finally happen. The war between the Karkens and Mermaids has begun. Many of our troops, were ready for battle. And most of our subjects went back to their, and keep themselves, lock inside. Hoping that they won't come out, until we win. Cause we have the chance to do it for you, Ruby, and for your family. But for Agatha, well, your mom hasn't been making the choice yet. And so, we float to find Nerissa, and her merpeople meeting them at the octopus' garden, so that our fate, will be ready for us.

Fade out.

Fade in.

As we see a scene where there in the octopus' garden, where the Kraken Warriors lay below their heads on the sand fields.

Athena: It's quite, too quite.

Matilda: (A little louder) And wet. Too wet!

Athena: (Shhh to her sister)

Young Agatha: (To Mother) So why are in the Octopus' Garden mother. I don't see any octopus, but us.

Grandmamah: That's the point, it is named after our relatives and cousins. And this is peaceful site. Only now. (To her soldiers) Now stand your ground girls, the merpeople troop will be coming.

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