The Quest for the Krakens

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As we cut to the scene in the thrown room, where Grandmamah announced,

Grandmamah: Steal, the Trident of Oceanus from Nerissa.

All Three Griant Kraken Daughters: What?! But why?

As Agatha, her husband Arthur and Baby Ruby, and Brill and her two sisters, were listing to this.

Grandmamah: Well, Agatha have the chance to steal the trident from Nerissa's hand. But for that, she was slip, and almost got hurt.

Matilda: Very sneaky of you sis.

Young Agatha: Well, I...

Music: The Wells of Seas and Ready to Train and Many More

Grandmamah: But it doesn't matter now. Nerissa is going to use that Trident to conquer the world. And she will finally rule ours. Now, we all agree of what must be done. We must go to the merman land, to the volcanic mountain of Nerissa, and take the Trident of Oceanus by force.

Athena: That sounds, amazing mother. But, I have just one question?

Grandmamah: Yes.

Athena: How do we destroy the trident, after we steal it from Nerissa?

Grandmamah: We sent it, to the sunken ship, and place back in that case, where it will be safe. Or to destroy it, with our laser eyes. If we have the power enough to destroy it.

Young Agatha: I know it's very tricky to do. But, what if we hide the trident, somewhere else. So that Nerissa and her minions will never know, where to look. So that, she'll thinks the trident is gone forever.

Grandmamah: Agatha, that very thoughtful of you. But we have ways to get rid of trident, and Nerissa's power.

Young Agatha: But Mom?

Grandmamah: Not now, Agatha!

As Agatha kept quite, and she went back in line.

Grandmamah: As I continued. Once the Trident is gone Nerissa will be defeated and the Kraken Kingdom will be safe.

Young Brill: And also the world, ma?

Grandmamah: Yes, Brill. So for the world. (To her daughters) Now, listen, Athena, Matilda, and Agatha, you are my finest and last hope of kraken kingdom. I know your the only ones who survived from the battle, and we have lost all the rest, when Nerissa destroyed them. So it is up to you, to find her. And reach throw the volcanic mountain of Nerissa's lair (As she shown the family, the image of the mountain, with many spookie sound effects) Scary, isn't it? (Then back to business) And steal the Trident of Oceanus, to end Queen Nerissa's rain of terror. And so the Kraken Kingdom will be safe.

As the Kraken Daughters were confused.

Matilda: That's great mom.

Athena: But we have this one problem?

Young Agatha: And it's gonna be the worst.

Athena: So how are going to find, Nerissa's Lair, if we leave our country.

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