Big Blow Out Trouble

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Then in a flash translations, we see the sisters fighting off other though fishes, instead of the shark.

Music: Hero from Kung Fu Panda

The Sisters delivers a series of punches and kicks and the whole gang goes flying in various directions. Up and Down, and up the surface.

Mean Fish: OK, THAT'S ENOUGH OF THIS!! GET THEM!!! (As they keep on attacking.)

Agatha did double kick to a croc, and blowfish.

Matilda And Athena duck down, as two killer whale charge at them, until they mash into each other.

While Arthur and Brill were still watching the fight from behind, Arthur was doing ship models, and Brill got something to eat, just only a bunch seaweed food. While he was supposed to take care of the little one, which a pram is standing right next to him.

Young Arthur: Can, you believe this, man.? All their hard work, and their training. They have become invisible.

Young Brill: Yeah I know. And they really good too, of kicking a fish's butt.

Young Arthur: But, Agatha she was the best. (Seeing a scene where One hundred assassins appear and surround the Agatha. The sea swells, packed to the rafters with from the giant fishes) For the first, I saw her, we were in love. And she save me, by knocking down the sailors, that they were going to use me in a an aquarium exhibit. (The Agatha the warrior, with a cloud of fishes erupts into the sky. Like a tornado, the warrior twists and kicks them away rapidly.) I was in a net, she came out of nowhere, and mash the ship, into little pieces. And brought me, to her kingdom. We kiss, we wed, and then in 4 month pregnant time... (Thousands of foes leap at the agatha while in the air, but then, Matilda and Athena join her,) we raise a kid. And it was girl. (And with a triple flashy move they sends them flying. The beaten bully fishes plummet into the ground like rain as the sister come down softly as well.)

Young Brill: She raise a daughter, but it means, it wasn't a boy.

Young Arthur: (To his brother in law.) Brill, what is that?

Young Brill: (As he explain to Arthur) Oh, these! Well, I was hungry, I went to pick...

Young Arthur: You were supposed to look after her.

Young Brill: Well Sorry, I wouldn't know. So where is she?

Young Arthur: (As he explain the truth, swiftly) She's right behind you.

Young Brill: (As he turn around, he saw the Pram, and it was alway.) (Quickly) Hey, gee, thanks. (As she walk over to the crimb, he smile at the small kraken baby.) Hey, there little one.

A small baby Kraken, how is blue and cute, as she laughs and smile at her uncle.

Ruby's Narration: Wow, (As she sees herself offscreen) Is that really me? Grandmamah?

Music: Scared Right of Junior Prom

Grandmamah's Narration: Yes, it was you dearly. (As uncle Brill, pickes up her nieces, and play around a lot with her.) Do you ever become looking like this, when you were born?

Ruby's Narration: Well of course, I was very cute. And still on hold of being a kid, and trying to get along with other humans as well. When I was in 8th grade and in 10th grade.

Grandmamah's Narration: I know that Ruby.

Young Brill: (To her nieces) Say it! Say that you'll love me? (Using Confetti Rains, and a party whistle, but he was her nieces screaming and crying) Come on, say it now. Say it!

Young Arthur: Stop that! Your making her nervous her. (As he walk her up and down, making clam and safe) Beside, she wouldn't to see those... those...

Young Brill: (Answers) Conferttis?

Young Arthur: Confettis! Cause it might ruin her eye. Even she wouldn't use a gun, to blast some one out of the sky, just make sure to she stay away from them. (As Brill begins to hid the confettis stuff)

Young Brill: (From far off back) Sure, I got this. (Then a idea) Then maybe, some line streamers next time?

Young Arthur: Agh.

Whale Announcer: (As the announcer, lift up those three warriors arms) And we have a triple Winner here! Three Krakens, three girls, three thousand lost, into a multiple show. Way a go, Girls. (As the girls reacts, they finally finish the game) (To the crowd below) (Clapping) Now, let's just give them a big hand here.

Music: Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken

But unfortunately, the big and little fishes, who were battling them, were all wipe out. As they moaning, injured, and even a broken sword fish lay down and squash his hand.

We fade into the next scene, when the fight is over and the 6 Gillman Family were there, they stand in an alleyway with the announcer.

Whale Announcer: Here's your cut for that impressive three-way-tie. (He tosses them a single coin and leaves.) Hope, you girls come again, for another sea fight show.

Agatha picks up the coin, as she was outraged.

Music: Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal

Young Agatha: Wha- no, a tie? I won that fight fair and square!

Matilda: Ha, ha, ha.

Athena: Well service it, right. You must be a comedian... because that speech was like a joke to me! (She grabs the coin.)

Young Agatha: Oh yeah? Well laugh it up... 'cause the real joke is your kung fu pose! (She grabs the coin back)

Matilda: (As she grabs the coin too) Everyone knows that your mother is a famous kraken warrior. I know the dwell still believes up, that we sink a lot ships.

Young Agatha: Well, we're not! The only thing is we can sick ship and sailors is, to destroy poachers and pirates, that wanted to take control of the ocean.

Athena: (as she grabs the coin, while Arthur and Brill were upset at them.) I know that. But the giant sea monster, wanted to take control of our kingdom. That's why, we have to fight, to protect our kraken kind.

Matilda: (As she grabs the coin) Oh yeah, but that does not make you a winner!

Matilda smacks the coin out of Agatha's hand. Athena roars with rage and the three warriors sisters leap back, preparing to battle again.

Young Brill: (As he stop this fight) Girls, girls! Sis, control yourself! I know we have duties and expectations, cause this is our home. And we deserve to live in harmony. So maybe we should drop this one coin, before your mother should know.

Sisters: (Answer meanly) WHY SHOULD YOU BOTHER! I NEEDED A NEW REMATCH. (Then the coin pop out of their hands, as the three krakens try to grab it. But just when they finally grab, and big Yellow feet appear, as it squick it. The three look up, and in a great surprise, it was their mother, and Ruby's Grandmamah) (Shocked) Gasp, Mother.

The Legend of Agatha Gillman: Warrior KrakenWhere stories live. Discover now