The Well of Seas

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Then we dissolve to the next scene, where Agatha and Matilda swim away, with the trident.

Matilda: Well, now that we have it, what are we going to do with it?

Young Agatha: I don't sis. The only thing, I can think of, is to hide it somewhere, so Nerissa and her Merpeople, will never find it.

Matilda: But that will take a day or so. I suggest if we can destroy it with our laser eyes.

Young Agatha: You might be right. But it's impossible. There will be not enough Kraken Warriors, to destroy that thing. And we don't know how.

Matilda: Well, we better make it quick, or Nerissa will be...

Music from Titanic

Then Suddenly Agatha was caught in the net line.

Young Agatha: Ahhhhh!

Matilda: AGATHA! (As she comes near her) Agatha! What happened?!

Young Agatha: I'm... I'm stuck!

Matilda: (As she looks up and saw Gordon's Boat) (Gaps) The Humans.

Yep, it was Captian Gordon's Trap, and he was his crab were prepare for battle. And Tanmy was not amuse.

Young Captain Gordon: Ah-ha! We got her! We got the big Kraken!!! Davey, hard to port. Full power! (As Davey do the work, and he plays the Rockin music from the 80s') Let's see what your made of Kraken. (As he used a Harpoon Gun)

Then Back Under the Sea.

Matilda: (To Agatha) Quick sister! You gonna get out now!

Young Agatha: (As she tries to get out) I'm trying, but it's just too strong. (To her little sister) Matilda, if anything happen to me, I want you to take the trident and go! And take good care of daughter for me. (But Matilda has another plan)

Young Captain Gordon: Hold her steady, Davey.

The Captain Shoot the Harpoon into the water, but then Matilda grab the Harpoon spear.

Matilda: Not for my niece, I won't. You take care of her. (Then she cut the ropes, and Agatha was free. But she was confused)

Young Agatha: What? What are you doing?

Matilda: For the same, as Athena did.

Back on top, the Captain wasn't giving up yet.

Young Captain Gordon: Bit of a spicy tuna, aren't ya? Well, we'll see about that! Only for the Krakens! Only for the Krakens!!! (As he runs, to get another weapon, while Tammy sits here saying...)

Tammy: Uh, yeah right.

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