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Miranda's pov

We're walking down the street of Eric's hometown. His arm around me and his chief hat on my head. My phone rings and I answer without even looking. It's dad. "where are you?" He yells. "nowhere you need to know. You'll never find me." I reply, trying not to get mad. "what happened to you!?" He shouts. "oh I'm a Church girl now." I say, smiling up at Eric. "Ya go to church? You never went to church!" He gripes, astonished. "not that kind of church, dad." I say. "oh him." He mutters. I hang up on him and me and Eric go to a diner to eat. "I like your hometown." I whisper, leaning against him. "yep, it's home sweet home to me." He says. Our food arrives. "how long are you in town?" she asks. "not long, just a few days." He replies. "the town misses ya. Come back and visit more often. Will ya?" she says with a smile. He laughs. "OK, I'll make it a point to." He says as we eat. "I've got to get back to Nashville to record for a new album." He mumbles when we leave. We pack our stuff up and kiss our mamas goodbye. We're on our way to Nashville. Home sweet home by Justin Moore comes on the radio and it makes me miss Eric's little town. He pulls up at a record company. We get out and I meet his manager Carl. We shake hands and go inside. He starts singing and stuff so I just look at all the stuff on the walls then I hear thunder crash which makes me jump. It starts raining. Too loud for us to even hear Eric record. Then the power goes out. He sighs and comes back out to me. "I think we have a few flashlights in the truck." I say. He nods and hands me the keys. "grab some blankets too." He says, kissing me. I go out to the truck and am about to unlock it when I feel hands on my shoulders. I turn around. "DAD!" I yell shocked. "how'd you find me!?" He doesn't answer, just grabs my arm and starts pulling me to his car while I scream Eric's name.

Eric's pov

She's been gone a while. I better go check on her. I head out. The keys are on the ground by my truck. I scratch my head in confusion. A car peels out of the parking lot with her in the back. I jump in my truck and try to keep contact with his car but the rain blurs my vision. I look out my window to try and get a better glimpse. The car takes a sudden left turn! There's nothing that way but ditches! Then I hear it! The car flipping and exploding. "noooooooo!" I yell, jumping out of my truck and running over. I fling open the door as the car catches on fire and gas leaks. If I don't get her out in time it'll become a huge fire ball. She's unconscious and bleeding on her head and arms. I get her in my truck. Then I remember her dad. My homeboy traits won't let me condemn a man to death so I save him too and drive us out of there as the car explodes in the biggest fire ball I've ever seen. Her dad wakes up first. "y-you saved me?!" He gasps shocked. I nod. "I couldn't just leave ya there. I was raised to forgive and forget." I say, looking over at her. She's barely breathing. I say something that I know will hurt him which is what he deserves. "sir, you might have just killed your daughter." we pull up at the hospital and I carry her to the door with him following me. "There's been an accident! I need help!" I shout coming in. A doctor brings over a wheelchair and gets her back. I sit in a waiting room chair worried out of my mind. I have no idea if she's gonna be okay. Her dad has gone back to get his injuries worked on. A doctor steps in front of me. "do you want me to bandage that wound?" she asks. Wound? I didn't know I had one. I nod and she does. "I think your girlfriend will be okay." she says before walking away.

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