Fishing, An Award, And The Truth

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*a few years later*

Lizzie is ten and Mark is seven.

Eric's pov

Lizzie is a full on tomboy. She loves hunting and fishing and anything country. In fact, we're going on a fishing trip with Jason and Mark. I kiss my princess goodbye and Lizzie hugs her. "Get big fish or don't come back!" Miranda teases. I laugh and walk out the door. We meet up at the lake and Jason gets his fishing boat in the water. He waves and Mark runs over. "We're gonna beat y'alls asses!" He gasps. My eyes go wide. "Mark, language!" Jason calls. "But you said that daddy!" "I can. You can't!" He shrugs and runs back to Jason. I laugh and shift my and Lizzie's poles. We walk over. "May the best fisherman win." He says, smiling. "Right back at ya."

Miranda's pov

Me and Taylor are at the spa, getting massages. "Your book has gotten awards!" I gasp, surprised. She nods. "I go to the place tomorrow to receive it." "Does Jay know?" "Not yet. I'm telling him tonight when they get home from fishing!"

Jason's pov

It had gotten pretty quiet on the lake. The kids got bored and are hanging in Eric's truck. He stares at the water. "What ya thinkin' buddy?" He smiles. "You remember when Miranda was pregnant with Lizzie and she was driving me crazy." "How could I forget? You came to my house and got drunk all the time." He laughs. "Before that. You said something I'm just remembering." Uh oh. I don't like where this is going. "What'd I say?" "That I'd never see you in a commitment like mine. You were wrong buddy." I roll my eyes. "Hey, Eric," "what's up?" "You're a little wet." "Huh? No I'm not." I shove him in the water. "You aren now." I say laughing.

Eric's pov

Now I'm not gonna be the only one wet. I flip the little boat and he screams in surprise and topples into the water. He spits the water out and glares at me. I laugh and we both get to shore. "Well fishing was a bust." I say. He glares at me, jokingly. "I'm soaking wet and freezing cold." He mutters. I laugh. "You started it!" We both laugh and get back to the truck. The kids are playing go fish on the tailgate. "I'll get the boat." Jason says. "Come on kiddos." I say.


"Honey, I'm home." I call. She walks out of the kitchen. Lizzie sits on the couch tired. She falls asleep pretty quick.

Jason's pov

Me and Mark get home, him asleep in my arms. I lay him in his bed. "Hey Jay, we've gotta talk." Uh oh that's never good. "I'm comin'." I call. She's on the couch in the living room. "What's up, babe?" "My book you got published," Miranda got published. "I'm getting an award for it!" My eyes go wide. "Whoa that's great! When?" "Tomorrow! It's gonna be great!" "It sure is."

*the next day*

Eric's pov

"Congratulations Taylor." I say, hugging her. "Thanks Chief." I smile and hold my girl's hand. "Now presenting Taylor Aldean for the best selling world renown book 'Secret in the closet'." Taylor stands up, barely able to contain her excitement. Her and Jason hug and kiss and she grabs her hand. "Come up there with me." "I... I don't know if I'm allowed to." "Of course you can silly. You got it published."

Miranda's pov

Jason gets worried and glances at me. "Just go." I mouth. He grabs her hand. "Let's not keep your fans waiting." He says, smiling. They get up to the stage and I snuggle into Eric's side, his arm wrapped around me.

Jason's pov

"And I wouldn't even be up here accepting this award if it wasn't for Jason, my husband." My eyes go wide. I hope she doesn't say it. "Because he found me a publisher." Oh man. I hate lying to her. I shouldn't have taken credit for it.


Miranda's pov

We were at the after party, hanging out and me and Taylor were laughing at a joke Eric made. "Hey Miranda we need to talk." "What's up?" I ask. "In private." I nod and we go away from the others. Jason looks upset. "What's wrong?" "I can't keep lying to Taylor. I'm gonna tell her it was you. I don't like taking credit for someone else's work." My eyes go wide. "What? Why? That's crazy!" "I know. I've been known to do some crazy things." He jokes. "No, Jason this is serious. After all these years of going with it, she'll be even madder." "I don't care, I don't like being dishonest!" He gasps, stomping away but I grab his shoulder. "Do you want me to be there with you?" He runs a hand through his hair. "I don't.... I don't know what would be a better idea." "We should both be there. I'll help you, Jay." He smiles. "Thanks." "Anytime."

Taylor's pov

"Oh there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" They look upset. Huh? "Babe, I have something to tell you." "What is it Jason?" "I didn't get your book published." I'm super confused. "I did." Miranda says walking up. "But I gave Jason credit because he wanted to get it done for you so bad." My eyes go wide. "Really?" They both nod. I hug Jason and my best friend. "You aren't mad?" He asks, confused. I smile. "Of course not silly. It doesn't matter. I love you." He smiles and kisses me. "I love you too, Tay."

Miranda's pov

I wave and find Eric. I fill a cup of tea up. He smiles. "Gettin' tired?" He asks. I nod.

*a few days later*

I wake up from another nightmare about my dad. Eric hugs me tight. "It was just a dream." He whispers. "God dammit! I wish I would stop having these fucking dreams!" I scream, tears rolling down my face. He rubs my back. "I'm sorry baby." I cry into his chest for about three minutes. I don't wanna go back to sleep. I get a cup of coffee and a bar of chocolate.

*later that day*

Me and Eric go down to the lake where Luke is throwing a party. Luke and Jason walk over. I half wave not really in the mood. Lizzie runs to play with Mark. "Jeez girl you look like shit. What happened?" Luke gasps. I glare at him and he backs up. "You alright?" Jason asks, much nicer than Luke. I nod. "Just more nightmares." I mumble sitting at a picnic table with Eric beside me. A worried frown on his face. Jason sits beside us. "I still don't know how you can be around men after your dad did that to you." I glare at the table, tracing my finger in the wood. "Can we not talk about it?" I snap. "Either way, I can be around you guys because I know you wouldn't do anything like that. It's people I don't know well that I have trouble with." Taylor calls him. "I uh I'll be right back." He says, getting up. "I think I'm gonna head home." "Oh no don't leave." He says, quickly. "I'm just not in the mood but thanks though." He smiles. "I'm always here if ya wanna talk." I nod and he heads to find Taylor. "I'll see y'all later. Have fun." I say, hugging Eric. He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Love you." "Love you too."

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