A Visit

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Eric's pov

She just woke up so we call the doctor in. "How far along am I?" she asks. "A month and a half." he answers. I sigh. She cries. "No guys, this is a good thing! It'll prove just how strong your love is if you can stick it out." Jason says. I glare at the floor. "You don't know her dad. He's nuts. He waved a shotgun at me when we were dating." I mutter. "Dad's gonna kill me!!" she cries. "No, he won't. We'll keep ya safe. We won't even tell him that you're pregnant!" I say. She shakes her head. "Dad wanted to meet with me so we could talk. He's mad that I dropped out of college." she says. "When do ya plan on meeting?" Jason asks, staring at her. "Two weeks from now!" she mumbles. She'll be showing by then. "We can't meet sooner because he's got meetings and conventions to go to." she gasps. I hug her as she cries.

*2 weeks later*

Miranda's pov

I grip the side of the car in worry of what dad'll say when he sees me. My stomach has swelled along with my feet. Eric holds my hand. "It's okay. Take deep breaths. Stay calm. The stress isnt good for the baby!" he says, slowly. I nod. My hands are shaking uncontrollably as we pull up in my dad's driveway. "It's going to be okay." he says, helping me out. My dad opens the door and steps out onto the porch. "Hey, honey, haven't seen ya in a while." he says. He raises an eyebrow. "Ya look different." he says. I sigh. He hugs me which is when he feels the hard lump that has become my stomach. He looks me dead in the eyes. "Are you ......" he stumbles for words. Eric pulls me protectively behind him, knowing my dad is abusive. "Step aside, son. Me and my daughter have something to talk about." he says. "Sir, I know you're mad but my first obligation is to protect my girlfriend and you've hurt her before. I know you'll do it again." Eric says. Of course that ticks him off. He throws a mean punch Eric's way but he catches it in his fist. "Sorry sir, but you aren't strong enough to stop me." he says. He pulls his fist free. "You are banned from this family!!!!" my dad yells at me, of course causing me to cry. My hand balls into a fist and I do the most surprising thing I've ever done. I fight back. I'm done being his punching bag. Now it's my turn. I punch him in the face twice before Eric pulls me off. We get in his truck and head back home. "How'd it go?" Cole asks when we arrive. I just shake my head and go to my room.

Eric's pov

"Her dad is such an asshole!" I yell. Cole rolls his eyes. "Dude, ya got his daughter pregnant. Any dad would be pissed at that!" he replies. I glare at him. "No thats not why he's an asshole. He almost punched her!!" I screech. His eyes go wide. I nod and text Jason.

E: I hate her dad. He almost punched my pregnant girlfriend!

J: he should be thrown in jail. It's bad enough he lays a hand on a woman in the first place but a pregnant woman! I say ya get the law after him!

E: I think I will.

I call the police and they say they're going to arrest him which makes me smile. "We won't have to worry about him anymore." I say confidently. Jason shows up a second later. "Did ya call them?" he asks. I nod. "How is she doing?" "upset but unharmed." I reply, forcing a smile.

Miranda's pov

I stand up ,causing my headache to get worse. I walk out to the living room. "Hey Jason. Hey Cole." I say waving. They both smile and wave back as I sit on the couch beside Eric. "Thought of any names yet?" Jason asks. Eric looks at me. "I haven't really given it much thought. I mean we have what like 7 months?" I semi ask. He shrugs. "When the time comes, you'll know." Jason says waving his hands ominously, messing with us. I roll my eyes. "What a joker!" I say. He laughs. "I'll be here all week." he jokes. He glances at his watch. "Oh,wait. No I won't. I gotta get going. Mom's coming by tomorrow and i gotta make the house to her standards." he mutters, irritated. I stand up. "Do you want some help?" I ask, "I cleaned my dad's house single handedly for 16 years." he smiles. He shakes his head. "You need to rest. Remember your feet will start swelling again if you're on them too much." he says,wiggling a finger at me. I laugh. "Ok,call if ya need help. We're only a call and drive away." I say. He smiles. "I'll keep that in mind." he says. I sit back on the couch and Eric instantly wraps his arm around me. He holds my hand and I lay my head on his shoulder and fall into a dead sleep.

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