On tour, a quest, and a question

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Eric's pov

I wake up early and make breakfast for my wife and daughter. While I'm making pancakes, my phone buzzes. A text from Jason.

J: do you know of any publishers anywhere?

E: no, but I'll keep an eye out. Why do you need a publisher?

J: I wanna get Taylor's book published for her.

E: I'll look around. Good luck.

I call the family and as my daughter runs in the kitchen I pick her up and tickle her like crazy. She swats at me and I set her in her chair, kissing her head. "I love you daddy." She says. I smile. "I love you too baby girl." I reply ruffling her hair.

Jason's pov

I glance at Taylor still sleeping beside me. I really wish I could find a publisher for her. Her book is amazing. She deserves this. I put down the laptop and lay back back down, exhausted. I couldn't sleep well last night. I couldn't stop thinking about the murder. I mean technically Eric's right. It was justice but it's still against the law and I'm not one to break the law. As I'm dozing off, I feel Taylor kiss me on the cheek. "You awake?" She asks. I smile and nod, opening my eyes. "So what'd you think of my book?" "It's a very great book. I loved reading it." "It makes me so happy to know you care about my dream." "Of course I do hun and whoever doesn't is a moron. You're a great writer." I say, gripping her chin in my hand and kissing her.

Eric's pov

My manager John comes over to tell me we have a new tour with Luke and Jason. I get the tour dates and close the door. I tell Miranda and she calls her mom to ask for her to babysit. I call Jason and Luke to tell them.

*a few days later*

I hug my little Lizzie and we go onto the bus for the tour. "What's the first place we're going to?" Luke asks. "New York." I reply tossing a dart at the dart board. Jason's working on his phone with something. "What ya doin'?" Miranda asks. "Still trying to find a publisher." He mumbles, typing. "Why does he need a publisher?" She whispers. "He wants to get Taylor's book published." I tell her. "He's got such a big heart." She says, smiling. I smile too. "Yeah that's why he's my best friend." Luke looks over. "Ugh! Hurtful." He jokes. I laugh. "I know you guys are talking about me." Jason mutters. "All good stuff, bud." I say. He sits down. "I'm not looking forward to being in the city." He says. I guess he's in a bad mood because he can't find a publisher. I shrug it off as we get to our destination. I wave to the fans and put my ball cap on. I look around for my shades and find them on my goofy wife's face. I laugh and kiss her while pulling them off gently.

Jason's pov

I haven't told Taylor that I'm trying to get her book published. It's supposed to be a surprise. She takes her glasses off and puts them in her pocket. "What's wrong Jay? You seem tense." Uh oh. "Nothin' hun, I'm just not a huge fan of the city." Technically that's not a lie. Mike waves me over. "You're up first then Luke then Eric." I nod and hear the fans screaming for me. I smile. "I better not keep 'em waiting." I hear the band starting to play. I grab my guitar and stand behind the screen, hearing the fans chant my name as the band plays. The screen starts to rise with the fog machines blowing smoke around my feet. I smile and run out onstage. "It's great to see all these smiling faces!" I shout into the mic. "Give it up for Luke Bryan and Eric Church!" They walk out, both holding mics, both wearing guitars and of course Eric is wearing his signature shades even though it's night. "And Jason Aldean!" Luke says. I cover the mic. "Dude, how can you see through those?" I ask. He laughs. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He hands them to me. I put them on but can't see jack shit. I shake my head and hand them back. We sing the only way I know together and the fans sing along.

*after the show*

I walk backstage and Taylor hugs me tightly. I'm confused. "Oh Jason thank you so much!" She cries. "Um for what?" I ask. "They're publishing my book!" I'm super confused. How?! I never found one! I look over. Miranda puts her phone away. "I'll explain later. Just go with it." She whispers. I nod and hold Taylor tight. "I told you I'd get that book published." I say, kissing her.


Miranda's pov

I hear the sound of cowboy boots on wood. I smile and turn around. "So what'd you do?" Jason asks with a smile. "I may know a guy who knows a guy." I say. "Thanks." I nod. "She deserves this. Just like singing is your dream, writing is hers." "Just one question, why'd you give me the credit?" I'm about to reply but just then Taylor walks in so we stop talking about it. She kisses his cheek and he wraps an arm around her. "Someone deserves a reward for today." She flirts, kissing him again. His eyes go wide. "I'll meet ya at the bus babe, there's some business I gotta take care of." She leaves. "You sure helped me today." He says. "You've helped me countless times. I gotta return the favor." I say, shrugging. He hugs me and leaves to meet up with Taylor. I see a very bright future between those two. Eric wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and turn my head where we kiss. "You're a miracle worker baby." He says. "I know how bad she wanted it and I know how bad he wanted to do it for her. He's like a brother to me. It's only right." He kisses me again where we start making out. I take his Chief hat and put it on. "What are my orders, Chief?" I flirt. "To get your hot ass in the bed on my bus hot stuff." He says, kissing me again. I smile and head to the bus, him watching me. A few minutes later, he appears in the bus door. I smile as he wraps his arms around me, kissing me and pushing me onto the bed.


My head gladly rests against Eric's chest. "I love you baby." He whispers. "I love you so much." I say. He kisses my head.

Jason's pov

She intertwines her fingers with mine and kisses me. "You're my dream come true." She whispers. And I want to be hers forever. I never thought I'd fall in love but now I have. "Hey Tay I've got a question to ask you." She sits up. "What is it?" I kiss her and pull out a ring. "Will you marry me?" "Oh my gosh! Yes! Jason I love you so much!" I hug her tight. "I love you too baby. More than words can ever say."

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