A reception to remember

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Jason's pov

We were all hanging out at the reception. The bride and groom dance was just about to commence so I grabbed another beer and watched my best friend dance with the love of his life. This stupid tie is really bugging me. A blonde woman walks over and stands beside me. "That was so cool of you to walk her down the aisle." She says. I'm not sure who she even is. "Yeah, she doesn't like her dad. He's a bit of a drunk." I mutter. "What's your name?" "Oh, Taylor, Taylor Swift." She says, shaking my hand. She stares at my chest. "What ya starin' at me for?" I ask. She giggles. "Lemme help you with that." She says, messing with my tie. She fixes it so it's less chokey. "Thanks." I say, relieved. She nods and heads out to join the party. I lean against the wall near the door just scrolling through the social media. I look up when I see Luke drunk and shouting random crap in the middle of the dance floor. I'm about to stop him when someone whispers my name. I glance around and the door's slightly open. I squint to see who it is. "Taylor?" I gasp. She nods and wiggles her finger at me, telling me to come to her. I've got nothing better to do so I go to her. A few minutes later, we're in the parking lot, kissing. It's been a while since I've been in a relationship so I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was.

Eric's pov

I finally get Luke to sit down. "He's a plum idiot." Blake mutters. I smile and nod. I find my wife in the crowd. "Hey baby girl. We got a full moon and it's Friday night. Girl ya got me so hooked ain't nothin' ever looked better in boots." I sing. She laughs. "I'm not even wearing boots." She exclaims. I shrug. Who cares. "Thank God there's girls like you for guys like me." I whisper, kissing her softly.

Jason's pov

This girl's a natural born get it downer. It's getting quite intimate when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around super pissed off for the intrusion and about ready to punch whoever it is in the mouth. It's her dad. I'm a little caught off guard. "We've got a score to settle. You took my place." He growls, his fists balled at his side. "Ya want a piece of me, ya better have a set. And a dude who hits girls ain't a man." I gripe, turning back to Taylor. "I think we should take this someplace else." I say. She nods and grabs my hand. My face gets hot with nerves. "Go ahead. Hide behind your woman. You little chicken!!" He taunts. My hands ball into fists. I spin around and stomp over to him. "Nobody calls me chicken." I snarl. "Baby, go wait in the truck. I'll be there after I take out this bozo." I grumble. "LOOK OUT!!" She cries. I hear a hard crack as her dad hits me in the head with a baseball bat. I hit the ground hard and Taylor runs to me. I'm barely conscious but I see him grab her arm. "Get in the car princess." He orders. "No, get away from her!" I cry, reaching out to her, my vision hazy as everything fades to black.

Eric's pov

Where on earth is Jason. He's not in the reception hall. I walk out and find him facedown on the concrete. I turn him over, his head bleeding. "Jason what happened?" I cry. His eyes open wide. "Taylor!!" He cries, standing up. "Oh no, the car's gone!! He took her!! She's gone!!" He cries, panicked. "Wait bro, who took her?!" I gasp, holding him in place. "Miranda's mother freaking dad, that's who!! I've got to go save her." He gripes, walking to his truck. "Wait man, I'm comin' with ya!" I call running over. "No you stay here with your wife. It doesn't concern you." He says, taking the tie off and putting his cowboy hat on. I put my hand on the door. "If it concerns my best friend, it concerns me." I say, sternly with a smile. He smiles too. "Okay man, get in." He says. "Let's go kick some wussy hillbilly ass." He growls, flooring it.

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