our tiny happy family

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Eric's pov

I hold our baby as I play with her. I tickle her. Miranda walks into the room, kissing my cheek. She smiles. "I think it's time for a feeding." She says. Lizzie looks up at me with big round eyes and grabs at my hair with her tiny chubby hands. I get my hair free and hand her to my fiancé. I go to the kitchen. "How much scoops of formula should I put in?" I call. "I'm not doing formula. I'm going to try breastfeeding." She replies. I walk back out, not sure how much of a good idea that is. The last time she tried, she couldn't get anything. "I can do it!" She says, looking up at me. I nod. "Of course you can, baby." I say, kissing her cheek and sitting beside her. I hold the baby's head while she tries to get her to breastfeed. A knock on the front door startles us both. "Hold on a second!" She calls. She tells me to make a bottle so I do.

Miranda's pov

I put down my shirt and cradle Lizzie in one arm as I open the door with the other. "Oh hey, Jason. How's it going?" I ask. "It's going great. Mom gave me this stuff to give you. Some stuff for the baby, I think. I'm not good at this stuff." He says, handing me a basket with baby clothes, toys, diapers. The essentials. "Remind me to thank her. Come on in. Ya wanna see the nursery?" I ask. "Sure. I can't stay long though, mama's headed back to Macon soon and she wants me to see her off." He says, following me. We head to the nursery which we've designed to be a hunting fishing design. "Lookin' great in here. My godchild is gonna be a hunter!" He says. I try not to laugh. "I don't know a better godfather." I say, laying her in a crib as Eric brings the bottle in. He hands it to me. "So what do you think?" Eric asks. "It looks awesome man, you're gonna be a great dad." Jason says, putting a hand on his shoulder. Jason goes back home to say goodbye to his mom and Lizzie has fallen asleep. Eric puts the bottle in the fridge and when he comes back, he puts his arms around my waist. "I'm so glad we're a family." He says. "Did you pick your best man yet?" I ask. He smiles. "Take a guess." He says, walking with me to our bedroom. "Wait before you guess, let's make it a little interesting. I'll guess your maid of honor and you try to guess my best man. For every wrong answer, we have to take off an article of clothing." He says, smiling as he closes the door. "I like that. My first guess is Luke." I say. Secretly I know who it is but I like this game. He shakes his head so I take my socks off. "Ok, your maid of honor is your mom?" He guesses. I bite my lip and shake my head. He removes his jean jacket.

*several wrong guesses later*

I'm only in my underwear and he has his boxers and shades on. "I have one more guess." He says, making me smirk. "So who do you think?" I ask. He stands up and walks over, pressing his lips to mine. "I don't really care." He whispers as I close my eyes. "I'm gonna love you baby, love you like a wreckin' ball." He says, pulling me to the bed. He slides my last article of clothing off. "Take off those shades." I say. "That ain't all I'm gonna take off." He whispers, kissing me again. My heart pounds in sync with Eric's. I can feel it because our chests are pressed together. My hands wrap around his neck and I emit a soft moan. He kisses my neck some more, causing my body to shiver. "I know.... Who... You're best man... Is." I choke out. He smirks. "Oh yeah and who's that?" He asks. "The same guy.... That's godfather... Of our child." I whisper, my hands caress his back, feeling the sweat accumulating there. He brushes my hair out of my face and kisses me again before getting off of me. I lay in bed with a content smile on my face. I think I'm on a little bit of a happy high right now. "So who's your maid of honor?" He asks, pulling me from my thoughts. "My what?" I mumble opening my eyes. He laughs and sits me up. "Your maid of honor?" He asks again. "Oh that." I mumble laying my head on his chest. "Jason's sister, Kasi." I say. He kisses the top of my head. Then I hear Lizzie cry. "The baby's up." I say, getting up. "You relax. I got her." He says, pulling on a pair of jeans. He smiles at me in the doorway then leaves to tend to the baby and I fall asleep.

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