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Eric's pov

Her dad stands by the wall, waiting. "Ya think she'll be okay?" He asks, his voice trembling. I glance back at the room she was taken through hours ago, my stomach has been doing flip flops all evening. "I don't know. I hope so." I mumble. My friend Jason runs in. "I came as soon as I got your text. How's she doin'?" He asks, sitting across from me. "I-I don't know. I haven't gotten any news since we got here." I mumble, terrified. He stands up. "I think it's about time we did then." He says, determined. I want to stop him but I know it'll be a waste of my time. When he wants to do something he'll do it.

Jason's pov

I walk up to the front desk, trying not to lose my cool. I may not know the girl but I know my friend and he loves that girl. "could you give me any information on Miranda, the girl brought in after a car accident?" I ask, taking a deep breath. She types on a keyboard. "she's stable. I can take yall back there now but you can't be loud. She's got severe head trauma and sudden noise or light can make it worse." she explains. I nod and walk back to Eric and tell him. He jumps up instantly as the nurse guides us back. "what about her dad?" I ask. "screw him." He says, opening her door. He gets down beside the bed. "hey baby girl, how do you feel?" He asks, worried. "E-Eric." she chokes out. I stand by the door a little awkward since we've never even met. "just get some rest. We'll be back home before ya know it." He says, standing up and running his fingers through his hair. Back home? They live together? He sets his hat beside her. She smiles and holds it in her hand. "thanks chief." she whispers, closing her eyes. He kisses her forehead. We walk out. "dude, how long have you two been going out?" I ask. "about 3 weeks, why?" He replies. "you haven't even reached a month and you're already living together!?" I gape. He laughs. "no Jay! Her mom lives in my hometown. She lives with her mom now there since her dad's all abusive and psychotic!" He gasps. Oh that's a relief. Better than what I was thinking. I smile. "maybe you should get some sleep." I suggest. He nods. "thanks for being here man." He says, hugging me. "of course anytime." I say, smiling. "I hope this isn't asking too much but can you stay in there with her while I sleep?" He asks, catching me a little off guard. "I don't know man, I've never even met her before." I say, rubbing my hands together nervously. "all I need is someone I can trust." He begs. I sigh. "okay, I won't leave her side." I reply. He leaves and I go back in her room. She's awake. "oh hey!" she says. I wave with a forced smile. "I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting." I say, sitting in the chair beside her bed. She smirks. "I know who you are." she says. "I reckon you're a fan then." I say. She nods. "big fan. Don't tell Eric. But you're my favorite country music singer." she says, making me blush. "what's your favorite song?" I ask. "I have a funny story about my favorite song of yours. Ya know the song do you wish it was me? Right?" she asks. I laugh. "of course, it's my song." I say. "brain fart, bear with me." she says, laughing. "anyway, that song is my favorite and I always said at the end of course I wish it was you! Every girl who hears that song wishes it was you." she says, making me laugh. "well, now I don't know offense, because I'm in love with Eric but I mean my fangirl years." she says, sounding tired. She yawns and closes her eyes. "where is Eric by the way?" she whispers, already drifting off. I smile and before I can even reply, she's breathing deeply meaning she's asleep. His hat slips from her hand so I pick it back up and place it in her palm. She holds it tight and smiles in her sleep.

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