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-Not edited-
My heart was racing, tears fled down my eyes and whimpers left my mouth in absolute tremor. Guilt twisted with anxiety woke a volcano of bile in my stomach.
Grass tickled my ankles as I looked back towards my old prison.
Freedom was alive but still in the hopes of another.
This was not how I planned it but how it had to be, he knew that.
The sounding of two gunshots made me vomit right there besides the tree. All I could do know was to hide and pray. Pray that by grace it wasn't him who was shot.

I heard something. A shuffling come from the house. "Please God..oh pleeaasee let it be him." I cried to myself.
And it was him.
It felt like hours as I watched him drag over. our eyes locked and we wouldn't dare look away from each other.
He was holding his arm and I saw his wound.
I ran to him, kissing his lips once I was close enough.
"She's dead."
"Shh, lets just get you to the hospital."
"Kiera? I love you and if I don't make it I want you to know that."
"I love you too Cyrus, but you're going to make it. I've been through the worse with you and I want you here with me for the best. You're not leaving me. So come on"
That began our walk to her neighbors house. The new family with young parents and small toddlers were very surprised I can say. Surprised to see me, Kiera Michaels, the wealthy orphan that ran away from her empty home, but even more surprised to the young man draped across my shoulder dressed in blood and wearing a bullet wound.
No less than seeing Cyrus did they open their doors and call an ambulance. 5 minutes later he was rushed to the ER and patched up, looking good as new.
Now here we are.
Almost 100 News trucks outside the hospital waiting to hear our story, when Im not really sure what Cyrus went through.

"Cyrus what happened?"
"Let's start from the beginning...
Flash back-

"Kiera this is what we're going to do. First you have to scream her name and tell her that I'm very sick and that I need a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. As she sees me as her baby she will bring it up quickly. Now this chicken noodle soup should be extremely hot. Hot enough to bring on lots of pain and to stall her to which we can grab the keys off her and run. If it comes to it we can always push her down the stairs to be safe. Let's just hope the soup is really hot...."

I nodded my head in agreement.

Cyrus got in bed ready to play his role and when we were ready I screamed for her.
Two minutes later she came up with the soup and went to his aid. I told her to let me take the bowl as she took his temperature.
Putting it in my hand I waited until she took out the thermometer to see what his temperature.
"Baby that's funny it doesn't look like you have a fe-" without letting her finish I broke the bowl on her head and watched as she fell to the ground.
I kicked her in the stomach to make sure she stayed down. Cyrus jumped up and I went looking for her keys and found them on her front apron pocket. We ran down stairs and I saw the front door. I took no time trying to find which key would work. I grew and grew even more scared as I her her slow footsteps come to the from of the stairs.
There she was.
Sound of two thing...the door and her gun.
I swung the door open and just as i was about to run out I heard her shoot and Cyrus "scream run now Kiera. Go"

Cyrus's Pov
I got shot in the shoulder but luckily Kiera was gone. I had no doubt that we were free now. Whether I lived or died I would be free. Kiera would get the cops and they would be in her house and I would be free.
Free!!!! I could help but smile at the word in my head.
The smile was home was I looked over towards my shoulder and the searing pain finally set in.
I cried out and Margret laughed.
"I don't understand you boy. I've given you everything and yet you let it all go for some stupid whore. I am your mother! How dare you treat me this way?!?! It's taking everything in me not to kill you in this very moment.
My eyes stayed on her gun as I couldn't look at her disgusting boiled face from the hot soup.
I realized something in that moment, she just wanted a son.
That's what I'll give her.
"Momma I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't have acted up like this. I deserve this bullet. please forgive me momma."
She smiled.
Bruisings on her arms, skin peeling off, and chunks of chickens in her hair. Margret was a desperate woman.
She came down and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and felt for the gun.
Maybe she saw it coming or maybe she was really caught up in the hug, because she didn't stop me from taking it out. Or stop me when I pulled away from her wiped her tears away then shoot her in the heart.
I walked out to Kiera never looking back at the mess that was made, but only to look forward to the life I would have.
End flashback

Kiera laid her head on my chest and tears leaked onto my hospital gown.
"Cyrus... you're my hero..." it brought a big bright and proud smile all the way to my eyes.
She called me her hero.
That's just perfect to me.

I just wonder what all the lights are outside.

Is it the end?
Cyrus still doesn't know about her life and if he wants to be in it.
What about Lucian?
What about Kiera' family, will they even accept Cyrus?
Will about Cyrus's family?
How are the two since the kidnapping?
Is Cyrus all that he leads on to be?
Is Kiera any better or is she still a player?

The end is near but not here just yet.
Stay tuned folks the shows really getting started now.

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