The truth is everywhere

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Kiera's POV
I woke up in an empty bed. Immediately worry flooded my mind, where was Cyrus?? I called out for him twice and then again the third time almost shrieking. It was my anxiety, fear of abandonment, that doctor was right. But I had no time to continue my thought because the nurse ran in.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

I hid my naked body under the thin hospital sheets, embarrassed.

"Where did the patient from this room go?" I asked sheepishly.
"The patient? Aren't you?.." She looked at me again and then her eye grew large. "Oh!"
The nurse's name tag read 'Michelle'. She looked at the white board across from the doctor which held all of Cyrus's info on. On the corner was a little note. She pointed to it.

"Went for a walk with my nurse, to get some fresh air. Sorry see you soon Kiera! Love you!-Cyrus"
I broke out in a smile and my heart started doing cartwheels. I don't even know how to explain it!! I was just so happy. This is what love feels like. Just mhmmm...

Sadly my bliss was ruined by the buzzing of yet again the new reporters on the ground. Today was the day I had to talk. I had to clear the air or they would never leave me alone.

After Michelle left I threw on my hospital gown and rushed back to my room. Aunt Kai came in clutch because I had new clothes and makeup laying out for me. I hopped in the shower and in no less then 10 minutes I was out. There was a burgundy jacket and patterned button up shirt with a cute hat and leather boots. It looked so chic and mature. Anyways, after I put that on, which was a struggle by the way, I started on my makeup. I sat down inform of the small vanity mirror my aunt had brought in. I started to notice different but subtle things about me. My eyes shined more. It wasn't as hazel as they used to be, but the brown was more profound and the light flecks of gold in them stood out more. My brown face looked tanner and my cheeks were pink. I looked different but it wasn't bad, it was new.

I heard a knock on the door.
"It's open." I yelled
The door slowly opened, showing both my aunt and Dr.Devlin.
"I see you have your outfit on already." My aunt said.
I shrugged.

"You already know don't you."

"That I have to go talk to them.." I said

"Yeah, but before you do. Dr.Devlin is here to give you your medicine. It should calm you down before you go and talk to them."

I nodded and Devlin came over and explained how to use it and all that bullshit. I didn't listen. I completely blanked the whole time. I have to tell the whole world I ran away and was kidnapped. I have to tell them who Cyrus is?
But do I have to tell them what he really means to me.
Why should I put him though the stress of fame?
I won't.

I downed the medicine and water that was handed to me sometime while I was thinking.
I clasped my hands together and said " let's do this."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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