Beginning of what now (PT. 2)

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Aunt Kai^
*Italics mean spoken words.
**penthouse and clothes pictures shown in last chapter sorry.
(She was kidnaped for 3-5 months)

'What's that  noise?' I thought.
I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by a white light.
Fear hit me and I started to panick, what did Margret do to me?
Did I die?
My breathing got faster, my body was shaking, and I got a painful migraine.

"Kiera, please relax. Everything will be alright."
I recognized that voice, so gentle and it felt like home. No it couldn't be.
Aunt Kai
I haven't seen her since I was 8 years old. She's my mother's sister and my god mother. That was until my sister and her got into a huge argument. I can barely remember what it was about. I think my mother missed my her wedding and then Aunt Kai said the money was going to her head.
My mom got mad and said Kay wasn't my godmother anymore. The last thing is Kai and my mom screaming ' I hate you! 's as Kai left.

Aunt Kai was the most down-to-earth, stubborn, honest person you'd ever meet. It didn't surprise me that she would confront my mom about it and then never talk to her again.
Seeing her face right now, though, showed all the regret and sadness she felt. Her once shining brown eyes were puffy and red. Her smooth black hair was now wild and frizzy. Her usually glowing skin was dulled. You would have never known she was only 34.

"Aunt Kai?"
"Yes sweetheart?"
"Where am I?"
"You're in the hospital. You had an anxiety attack out of nowhere, the doctors just wanted to keep you in a calm environment for awhile." She looked like she was still withholding information but I decided to let it slide. I was too tired to beg. Wait!
"Where's Cyrus?! Is he okay?!" I asked
impatiently fast and searched the room.

She smirked. Awh shit.
"Uhh huh I saw you little girl. All snuggled up next to him. Is that your little boyfriend or something? Better not have done nothing in that hospital room. You ain't too young to get an ass whoopin girl. Child must have lost your damn mind, I swear I find out anything went down....ohh lawd help me!!!"

I bust out laughing, that's the Aunt Kai I remember. I loved her! "Nothing happened in the hospital room, I promise." I wasn't lying either. Nothing happened in the hotel room...but as for the attic. That's another story

"Alright ok.." She paused and looked uneasy
"Aunt Kai is there anything you want to tell me?"
"Kiera we can talk about it later. As for right now I'm talking to the doctors about letting you go home and relax. Then when you get ready you can tell everyone what happened including me. "
"Okayy, . Thanks for being here."
"Why wouldn't I be your my god daughter, I love you Kiki." She kissed my forehead.
"I love you too. But, I thought-", she cut me off.
"I did too. I guess she never changed her will. Which I'm glad she didn't. It means you're my god daughter and I get to take care of you instead of one of your father's evil siblings."
We laughed whole heartily knowing what she said was true.

"But seriously though, where's Cyrus?"
"Oh damn!" She laughed. "You must really like this boy, huh?"
"I think I'm in love with him. We've been through so much. It's amazing how we're both alive still. "
"So it's true what I've been hearing?"
"That you were kidnapped by some old woman?"
"Yeah, and there's so much more to it too. I'll tell you tomorrow, when I find Cyrus!!!"
She chuckled at my silliness. "Girl! Calm down he's literally one room over. Your doctor will be coming in a minute to talk to you about your anxiety attack. Then we can go see Cyrus if he will allow it. Okay?"
"Ohhhkayyyy" I groaned.

In no more than 30 minutes my doctor came in ending my antagonizing stare contest against the clock.
His name was Dr. Devlin. His face seemed as if it was made of stone due to how stiff he was, nevertheless he was a very attractive young man, around 30 or 32. His black curls were slicked into waves and they contrasted against his sculpted face. His hazel eyes seemed to be the only thing lively on his face.
Dr.Devil...I mean Devlin was a short about 5'4 or 5'6 and by the way he carried himself I concluded that he was arrogant. Seems as if he'd be very ready to challenge anyone that dared him.
I was very glad I was shorter than him, knowing that he wouldn't pick a fight against another short person, but I hoped he would stay away from Cyrus. Cyrus would be a Goliath compared to him, and I swore his 6'4 frame grew taller while we were kidnapped. I'll see if the doctors recorded his height, later.
He could be a basketball player...omg.

"Hello Miss Michaels, I am Dr.Devlin."
"So would you like to talk about what happened?"
I shook my head no, not really feeling comfortable around him.
"As you already know, you had an anxiety attack. While you were asleep we took some test to make sure you were alright. We are thinking that the best thing for you to do is take some medication, and speak to a psychiatrist until you feel you're best. Is this okay"
I shook my head no again. I hated who he was talking to me, like I was so fragile and could break at the sound of a word.
I'm not crazy.
I'm not.
I'm just a little shook up because I was kidnapped for.. I forget how long but like 4 months.

"I want to go home." The words flew out of my mouth in a rush.
They broke my heart and I felt like my lungs were collapsing.
I have no home, my parents are dead.
The reason why I ran just rang and rang in my head. It felt like a thunderstorm in my brain just the constant pain pounding furiously. Memories of Cyrus and I running away, the gunshot I heard. Everything just attacking my mind without my permission.
Why me? I sounded so pitiful.
But as I looked in Dr. Devlin, I saw him smile as a tear rolled down my face.

"Kiera you can go home. But in order for you to get better, I'm going to need you to take this medication and to see a psychiatrist. Please" The angry man I thought he was at first disappeared, his smile wasn't a smile. It was a grimace.
I nodded , at the moment I'd do anything to see Cyrus and to go back to my house.

Dr. Devlin clapped his hands " Great, we shall schedule you for three times a week for just this month and with time it will lessen. I'm also prescribing you a low dose of Xanax for your anxiety. "Kiera you're a strong girl and I know you'll get through this."

As he turned to leave I caught a glimpse of him winking at my aunt in the mirror and her hider her face under her hands.
And with that he left.

Honestly I would have bugged my aunt about that, but I did not care. I had only one priority and that was my man!
I jumped out of the bed butt ass naked in only my pale blue hospital gown and ran to the next room on the right. The monitor was still connected to me but it was being dragged through the hallway and knocking shit over left and right. I banged on the cold wooden door until I heard a soft voice day "it's open".
I slammed the door open but it was only a gray haired man with an oxygen tank the size of a jukebox. I hurriedly apologized for interrupting him and then took off again, this time to the left.
Once again I banged for dear life until I got an answer. The voice sounded graciously familiar and I slammed the door open.
There sitting up was the most amazing person I had ever met.

Justin Bieber.

Jk lol
CRYUS my soon to be husband!!!!
Oh it seemed as if it had been forever.
But just seeing him satisfied my deepest need.
"Come and get it baby." He said with a stupid cute smirk.
I laughed and ran to him careful to not put pressure on any of his gun wounds.
"I missed you so much sweetie" the words were so honest it heart. I felt like I was going to cry.

"I did too."

"When can you leave the hospital Cyrus?"

"The doctor said 1 more night here and then I'm good. They stitched me up while you were asleep and now all I have to do is clean my wound every few hours for two weeks. I also gotta be carful to not 'exert' myself for awhile.
A almost giggled cause I knew exactly what he meant.
Oh I've been craving him and from the look in his eyes I could tell he wanted me.
" Well maybe I could just get on top and do all the work. That wouldn't be too much right baby." My voice was low and dangerous. I stared into his eyes as I jumped off the bed to shut the door..and lock it.
I unplugged my monitor and slowly crept closer to the bed. I picked up the sleeves of the gowns and slowly dropped it to the floor. Bearing my naked body I danced for him.
It was so liberating and felt so good. I felt like a woman pleasing her man. I felt so sexy and in control. I grabbed and chair and shook my ass, just as good as I knew I could. I was the Twerk Queen. Then I say down in the chair and played with myself.
The whole time Cyrus stared at me so hungrily. I thought he'd attack me at the very moment and just as I thought something slowly stood under the cover.
Show time.

Hidden in the attic (Interracial) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now