The Beginning of What?

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Here we are...
Holding hands and staring into one another eyes. Life doesn't get any better.
Even if his eyes are filled with blood and I'm slowly bleeding out I can't imagine a better ending to my life.
I could never kill him..
No matter what I believed, I loved him.
Rodger Cartins, my groom, my husband father of my dead kids.

Groans coming from his bleeding chapped and swollen lips almost made me regret torturing him a few days earlier. Almost.

Sirens muffle him and I know it is all done.
Either I die in this room besides my abused husband or I rot away in prison.
That young man sure did get me.
Right in my gut.
He never even looked back to see if he killed me.
The pain was unbearable but could never compare to the pain of my realization.
He never cared about me.

"Twelve years ago she killed her children and trapped her husband in the house.
Two years later, or ten years ago her kidnapped a young boy and pretended he was her son.
Still her heart was still empty and out of pure desperation kidnapped the first girl she found.
This was last year.
The young woman, Kiera, did not even resemble her daughter which just goes to show how desperate she really was.
Life isn't fair and never will be.
Things that you hold dear can be taken at the drop of a hat.
Appreciate what you have but most of all don't go crazy.
Your sanity is the difference between yourself and your pain taking control.
Don't say emotions can't lead you into taking drastic measures."

And I stopped paying attention to my lawyer practice.
I've already heard what we going to use as a defense twice, so I didn't care to hear it again.

The truth is.
I killed three people total.
Four people were held hostage.
My husband, cyrus, Kiera and Lucian Velanii.
Honestly, I forget all about him, Lucian that is. I remember cutting him up good and I think that I broke his legs. I also forgot to feed him a lot, so maybe he died too. Damn that would be really bad for my case. Four deaths that would definitely be life. Or...? Would it prove the fact that I was crazy?
I just hope they will question my sanity enough to go a little easy on me.
I don't know if I can take life in prison.

"This is Jane Thai reporting for channel 18 News at Medline Reynolds. Tonight we have been shocked to hear to find the famous orphan, Kiera Michaels in the hospital. Sources say she came with a young man. After the death of her beloved parent and her disappearance these few months  the country has been distressed. Now that we know she is alive I'm sure you all will have plenty of questions.
As do we.
We will get straight back to you as we learn more of what as happen to Kiera Michaels.
I'm Jane Thai thank you for watching."

*comercial break*

"Hooooowdy!!! Here at ole smith' s mattresses  were whipping up some mighty fine deal.  But one mattress get the next one 80% off!!
Even as I watched the mattress sale commercial I couldn't get her off my mind.
The sound of her name is poison to my brain.

I'm just glad we're safe now.

Cyrus's stirring interrupts my thoughts and I turn off the at the TV. Would he care that I was famous? That there is still so much he doesn't know about me. I'm scared to tell him but at the same time I could never keep it from him. Dozens of News vans are outside waiting to get the latest scoop on what happened. He's going to know sooner or later, but as of right now he doesn't.
So I have to tell him now.
Maybe not right now because he's sleeping but when he wakes up I'll tell him.
Or maybe tomorrow...

"Kiera?" A groggy voice asks from behind me.

Turning around I smile at his lazy appearance. His dirty blonde hair was wild on his head, a short stand of hair was sticking straight up in the air. Green eyes could barely stay open enough to look around the room, and he had a big goofy grin on his boyish face.
He looked like the definition of mischief.

"Yes Cyrus?" I eyed him suspiciously.

He laughed evily and stretched his long tan arms. "KierRraa..." He dragged out my name on his sexy lips.

"WhAaaat?" I mimicked back.

"Uh nevermind" he laughed.

- _- 
'Childish AF.'

"I hate you."
"No you don't. You love me."
"You're right I do"
"I know I am."
I death glared him.
He laughed again, " I love you too Kiera."
His soft lips kissed my forehead and I giggled.

"Cyrus can I tell you something?"

"Well hello you two love birds. It's me again Nurse Denna, just came by to test Cyrus's Virals. Please excuse me Miss Michaels if I could slide right haha."
She wiggles over to the right side of Cyrus and I got up out of here way. She was a nice woman, around 41 with curly black hair slicked into a ponytail. Her lips were painted a soft pink, it looked nicely on her smooth brown skin. I think she was Indian.
I watched as she took his blood pressure, and then asked him to lift up his shirt. His faced turned beet red and asked her "why"?
"Well I have to check your heart beat sweetie, and your wearing thick clothes which will make it harder to hear."
She sounded nervous, as if he was accusing her of something. Reluctantly he pulled up his shirt and revealed his delicious body. His light skin was freckled and the indents of his skin were still prominent as he sat down.
I never really cared if a guy had abs or not, I thought they were sexy but it wasn't a must.
But looking at Cyrus had me wondering why I ever thought like that.
My man was a 10.

After 10 minutes and a bright smile, nurse Denna left us.

"Kiera what did you want to tell me again?"
I forgot about that. Should I even tell him?
"Oh nothing, I'm tired is all."
I guess he was still tired too because he didn't pester me anymore about it.

Soon he feel asleep and my head was laying on his good shoulder. It was 2pm but I guess getting shot makes and losing blood makes you sleepy a lot.
I stared at the whit was infrong of me for an hour. Remembering everything that happened in the house. A shiver covered my body in distaste. I lost my virginity in that house. We lost our virginity in that house. What if she had cameras?! Oh god!
I started to cry, we should have waited. Something as beautiful as your first time shouldn't be the place where you were kidnapped. I couldn't believe myself.

"Are you that much of a whore, to have sex anywhere
What's next? A dumpster?
Maybe that's your fetish being kidnapped. Locked in a small room with no way to escape, really turns you on. Sick. " I heard a soft but angry voice taunt.

The tears fell faster. I couldn't breathe. I was drowning in my own tears. My heart felt like it was going to burst through my tightening lungs.
I started screaming.
"Help! Someone help me!
My eyes rolled back and I passed out.

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