Chapter One: What Time is it?

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The dimmed light can be seen from a classroom, a professor stands at the front of the room, holding a small remote control. He's about to start a presentation using a projector.

Professor: (Clicks the remote, and the projector screen comes to life) Good morning, everyone! Today, we're going to talk about something that's all around us but can be a bit tricky to understand: time.

On the screen, are images of different kinds of clocks – the ones with hands, digital ones, even sand hourglasses.

Professor: (Pointing to the images) Look at these clocks. They help us keep track of time, like how long it takes for an hour to pass, or a minute, or even a second. But what is time, really? It's a big, complicated idea.

As the professor speaks, he changes the slides, and now is a picture of Earth and a rocket.

Professor: Time isn't something you can touch or see, but it's everywhere. It's like a hidden thing that guides our lives. We use clocks to measure it, but it's more than just numbers ticking by. It's a part of our everyday existence.

The next slide shows a famous scientist, Albert Einstein.

Professor: (Smiling) Now, one very smart guy named Albert Einstein came up with some cool ideas about time. He said that time isn't the same for everyone. Imagine two friends – one on a spaceship and the other on Earth. They experience time differently because they're moving at different speeds.

Another slide shows people discussing their opinions.

Professor: (Gesturing to the slide) People have different opinions about time. Some say it's just an idea in our heads, like a dream. Others think it's real and always moving forward. It's a big puzzle that lots of smart folks are trying to figure out.

The screen now displays a scene from a sci-fi movie with futuristic cities.

Professor: (With enthusiasm) Now, who here loves sci-fi movies? They're full of exciting ideas about time. Ever heard of a time machine? It's like a magic device that lets you travel to the past or the future.
But you know, even though time travel is a cool idea, it's not real – at least not yet. Scientists are still working on it.

Then shows the last slide, a ticking digital clock.

Professor: (Smiling warmly) Time is a treasure.
We must remember that every moment is important. Think of it like a gift we get to unwrap every day. It helps us make memories, learn from our mistakes, and dream about the future.

As the professor finishes, he turns off the projector, and the room lights brighten up again.

Professor: (Looking around the room) So, that's a little glimpse into the world of time. Remember, time is something we can't see, but it's all around us, guiding us on our journey through life. And just like in a good story, every moment counts. Now what I want you to do is to make an essay about our discussion for today, write it as "Would you; Past, Present or Future....."

*someone let out a sigh of frustration. It was Jim*

Jim: (Whispering to himself) Will this class ever end? I'm so bored. I can't focus anymore, and I'm practically falling asleep. Why even bother listening when my mind's blank? And now I'm craving Hawaiian pizza... Wait, did I say that out loud?

"Definitely Hawaiian," Jim heard Richie's whispered response.

Richie continued, "And don't forget the Coke. Oh, by the way, it's Friday Funday. Let's head to my place after this and watch that new Sci-fi film, Rise of the Shapeshifter. Look, the clock's pointing at your favorite part of the class."

Jim managed a smile as he looked at the clock. The bell rang, signaling the end of the class. As everyone filed out of the room, Jim and Richie remained, engaged in their conversation.

Richie: (Speaking to Jim) Hey, Jim. Have you thought about the essay yet? I've got an idea I've been kicking around. I've read a bunch of articles on SearchIt about the topic, and it's mind-blowing. What if time travel is actually possible? Wouldn't that be incredible?

Jim: (Answering while packing his things) Yeah, I've heard those theories, but it's like dreaming, isn't it? The concepts are fascinating, but they're just fantasies. We sometimes trick ourselves into believing in things that aren't real.

Richie looked a bit less confident and positive as before by Jim's response and began packing up too.

Jim: (Noticing the tension and wanting to ease it) But you know, if I could time travel, I'd probably... Well, I don't even know. I'd likely freak out. I never really thought about it. (He chuckled) You got me there. But before I get lost in thought, can we please order that pizza? I'm starving. You too, right?

Richie: (Grinning) Ha! I knew it. No worries, man. I'm hungry too. Weekends are golden. It's our chance to relax. Time's precious.

Richie glanced out the window, revealing a picturesque pinkish-orange sky.

Richie: (Expressing awe) Look at that sky! Nature's incredible. (He suddenly remembered something) Oh, wait!

Jim: (Startled) What's going on, Rich? (He followed Richie outside, calling after him) Hey, what's up?

Richie: (Catching his breath) Sorry for rushing. It's all good. We just need to get home right away. My aunt needs help with something. What time is it?

Jim: (Checking his watch) Um, it's... oh, wait. My watch isn't working. Seriously, this is a gift from my dad, and now... Ugh, never mind. I have no idea.

Richie: (Reassuring) It's okay. Let's head home, Jim. We can grab that pizza on the way.

Jim: (Agreeing) Sounds like a plan. (They fist-bumped in agreement)

As Jim and Richie rode their bikes away from the school, they enjoyed the breathtaking afternoon sky.

Chapter One

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