Interlude: Edward Liv

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During the 1960s, there was a TV show called "Eliza Mac Beth" where a lady named Elizabeth Quinn and a man named Edward Liv worked together. The show was about a husband, played by Edward Liv, named Harold, and his wife, Elizabeth (same name as the actress). They were trying to make a living, but then a job opportunity came up in a distant place for the husband, and he had to leave his pregnant wife alone. If the show became popular, it would have been a nice story. However, the viewers didn't find it interesting, and they asked for the show to be stopped.

Edward had a love at first sight to Elizabeth Quinn since the day they work with each other, everyday on set he always giving her a lavender rose.

*Elizabeth:* (with worry) Edward, I'm scared. Our show isn't clicking, and it feels like our dreams are slipping.

*Edward:* (comfortingly) Lizzy, we've got each other. We'll figure this out together.

*Elizabeth:* (close to tears) The viewers want the show to end. They're not interested in our story.

*Edward:* (softly) Our story might not have grabbed them, but our journey isn't over. We'll find another way.

Elizabeth Quinn and Edward Liv lost their job, but Edward Liv proposed to Elizabeth to be with him and live together, work for wages just like the others even life is simple atleast they have foods on the table they can eat

*Edward:* (supportively) Lizzy, life has thrown us a curveball. But let's build a life based on what truly matters-our togetherness.

*Elizabeth:* (with affection) Edward, you've always been there for me. No matter what comes, I know you're there.

As time went on, Elizabeth shared a painful secret with Edward. She revealed that she'd gone through a terrible experience during an audition to secure her role. She was raped by an auditioner after she was invited by the him on a dinner, although she got the role, she damaged her dignity and now the show was cancelled she felt lost

*Elizabeth:* (trembling) Edward, there's something I've never said. I went through something awful to get that role.

*Edward:* (holding her gently) Lizzy, I'm here for you. You don't have to bear it alone.

In an intimate moment, Edward confessed his love for Elizabeth, and their bond grew stronger.

*Edward:* (tenderly) Lizzy, your past doesn't define you. I love you for who you are.

*Elizabeth:* (teary-eyed) Edward, your love means everything to me.

Edward Liv comforted her and confessed he loves her truly. One day Edward Liv is about to propose about his plans for both of them but then he knew that Elizabeth make a promise, a producer named William, Elizabeth confess that if he marries William she can go back to her acting career and do his life's dream again, william is a redemption

*Edward:* (earnestly) Lizzy, I've been thinking about our future...

*Elizabeth:* (anxious) Edward, I need to be honest. William, the producer, is a chance to get back to acting.

*Edward:* (softly, but firmly) Lizzy, we can make our own second chances. I'm your redemption too.

*Elizabeth:* (torn) Edward, you've given me so much. But I need to do this for myself.

Edward said to Elizabeth that he is her redemption as well but despite his heartache, accepted Elizabeth's choice.

*Edward:* (with a heavy heart) Lizzy, I won't hold you back. If this is your path, I'll stand by you.

*Elizabeth:* (teary-eyed) Edward, you're my rock. What we had is forever etched in my heart.

Their moments ended, leaving behind the echoes of their love story as a testament to the bond between Elizabeth Quinn and Edward Liv.

William's Aftermath

After Elizabeth's decision and Edward's acceptance they separated way. Edward looked for a job and became a newspaper article writer and he is about to tell Elizabeth the good news, he is about to go to William and Elizabeth's home but he is about to witness a shocking moment.

Act Seven:
A second chance of redemption: Part Two

**Elizabeth:** What are you doi-- No, William, don't kill me, please! Wake up! This isn't you! Wake up, William, Willia-

**William:** Only mine! Only mine! Elizabeth, my love, you're only mine! -- Elizabeth!? No... no, why!? I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to. I lost control; I'm sorry I stabbed you. I'm sor-- I'm sorry, Elizabeth, don't die, don't die, Elizabethhhh!

*[Despite her injuries, Elizabeth unexpectedly grabs the knife that was used against her. Bloodied and weakened, she manages to stab William in the back while calling the police for what he had done. Blood splatters across the room, and William screams in agony. She doesn't stop there; fueled by desperation, she stabs him again in the chest. Next, she slices his throat and then stabs him in the head, finally killing him. But it doesn't stop there; William is already lying on the floor; bloody. Elizabeth cries and sits on top of William while she stabs him non-stop and blood runs more.]*

**Elizabeth:** [Breathing heavily, blood-covered and with a sinister grin] You're my redemption, everybody's gonna know my name. [Elizabeth said as she stabs Williams more]

*[As she leaves, a twisted laugh echoes through the room, capturing the darkness that has consumed her.]*

A dark place is where Edward is at; saw everything on a doorhole, when he saw Elizabeth is approaching to come out of a room he runs away and hide, Edward cries and felt the guilt, blame himself for not stopping Elizabeth and maybe she will not ended into a bloody fate

Edward remembered a words he heard from Elizabeth "Everybody's gonna know my name". And then years passed Edward use it as a tool to wrote an article annualy about the mystery of Elizabeth "Eliza Mac Beth" Quinn as a reminder of her story and to make everyone know her name, to have other people's perspective.

Since the day Elizabeth killed william no one knows where she is until now and she became an unsolved mystery for all even for Edward, for him is just a part of wonderful memory to remember.

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