Chapter Seven - Part Two: Turning Point

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[Jim, lying in a hospital bed, looked up as his mom, Beatrice, entered the room with a tray of food and snacks. He was relieved to see her, but her emotionless expression worried him.]

Jim (as Richie): Mom, I'm so glad to see you.

[Beatrice's eyes were puffy from crying, and her face was a mix of sadness and concern. She placed the tray on the bedside table, but her silence was unsettling.]

Jim (as Richie): Mom, I need to talk to you. Something really terrible happened.

[Jim recounted the events at the warehouse, the fear, the chaos, and the loss of the Unknown Kid. However, as he spoke, his mom remained silent, tears streaming down her face.]

Jim (as Richie): Mom, please say something. I need to know you're okay.

[The room remained quiet until a doctor entered. Beatrice wiped her tears away and looked at the doctor, her eyes pleading for answers.]

Doctor: Mrs. Liv, I'm here to discuss Richie's condition. We found signs of trauma related to the events he went through. He's going to need a lot of support and guidance to recover.

[Beatrice nodded, her voice shaking as she spoke.]

Beatrice: What can we do to help him?

Doctor: Be there for him, reassure him that he's safe now. Therapy and counseling might be beneficial as well.

[Beatrice's emotions overflowed as the doctor's words sank in. She moved towards Jim and hugged him tightly.]

Beatrice: (whispering) I'm so sorry, Richie. I'm here for you. I love you so much.

[Jim's tears flowed as he hugged his mom back, feeling a mixture of relief and sadness.]

Jim (as Richie): Mom, it was so scary... I thought I'd never see you or Howard again.

Beatrice: (voice trembling) I know, sweetheart. I can't imagine what you went through. But you're safe now, and we'll get through this together.

[As Jim and his mom embraced, seeking comfort in each other's arms, a sudden flashback flooded Jim's mind.]


Unknown Kid: (weakly, smiling) You guys... go... be safe.

Unknown Kid: (whispering) You'll... be safe... don't worry.

[The memories of the Unknown Kid's words echoed in Jim's thoughts, their final moments run vividly in his mind. The weight of their sacrifice and the reality of their loss hit him like a tidal wave, and he couldn't hold back the flood of tears.]

Jim (as Richie): (choking back sobs) Mom, he... he tried to save us. He told us to be safe, and... and now he's gone.

[Beatrice's eyes filled with tears as she held Jim even tighter, understanding the depth of his pain.]

Beatrice: (voice trembling) I know, Jim. I know. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you.

[Jim's voice cracked as he continued, his tears flowing freely.]

Jim (as Richie): (crying) Mom, I saw it... I saw them... the gunshots, the fear in their eyes... and now they're gone. It's not fair.

[Beatrice's own tears connects with Jim's as she held him close, her heart breaking for her son.]

Beatrice: (whispering) I know, sweetheart. It's a terrible loss, and it's okay to grieve. We'll get through this together.

Jim (as Richie): (sobbing) I just wish... I wish I could've saved them, Mom. It's not fair that they had to go through that.

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