Chapter Two: Take the leap (?)

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Jim: Hey Rich? (Jim said as he caught up to Richie on their bikes.)

Richie: Hey! What's up?

Jim: Are you okay? Is there something wrong? Maybe we can skip pizza and do it later if you need help?

Richie: (Chuckling) Nah, Jim, everything's cool. Just helping my aunt, that's all. It's not a big deal, and I promised to be back home early when I don't have other stuff to do outside. You know, I kinda like our solitude. It's not that we're loners, it's just that we think better alone. (Richie looked straight ahead) I have this mantra that every moment matters; we should enjoy every single detail of our lives because we don't know if we can still see the beauty of tomorrow, can we?

Jim was surprised by Richie's serious side. He was used to hearing science stuff from him, not deep thoughts.

Jim: (A bit speechless) Wow, Rich, you've got some deep wisdom there. Thanks for reminding me. I needed that, seriously. And whoa, I didn't expect this from you.

Richie: No problem, Jim. Friends got each other's backs.

Jim: Friends got each other's backs. (Jim repeated) That's really cool. It's a great afternoon, isn't it? Something to remember.

Richie: Whoa, are you saying goodbye to the world or what? Sounds like you're preparing for the afterlife! (Richie teased)

As they pedaled down the road, they saw an old lady staring blankly.

Jim: Richie, did you notice that? (His voice filled with concern)

Richie: Yup, and did you know? people used to think she was someone else, well of course it was all just a rumor and she is not.

Jim: Really? Someone else? Why?

Richie: Let me tell you: they thought she was "Eliza Mac Beth" because she kinda looked like her.

Jim: what's her name you say was?

Richie: Eliza Mac Beth.

Jim: Eliza Mac Beth? Sounds like Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

Richie: Well, considering the play's theme and her own life, it's a bit like Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.

Jim: So what happened to Eliza Mac Beth? Why people are saying the old lady was her, I hope nobody's mean to her, thinking she's crazy.

Richie: Well, maybe they were. She was, or used to be, a bit off.

Jim: (Playfully throws a crumpled paper at Richie) Come on, man, stop being all mysterious. It's creeping me out.

Richie: Ouch! (Richie laughed.) Hold on, Jim, I'm getting there. One question at a time.

Jim: Okay, I'm listening.

Richie: Cool. So, even though it's an old story with loads of rumors flying around and conspiracies twisting the story, it's hard to tell what's real. No one really knows where the real "Eliza Mac Beth" is now and what actually happened. Her actual name was Elizabeth Quinn, and her life got tangled up in the 1960s...

*As they rode their bikes, their conversation continued on the way to get pizza.*

**The Story of Eliza Mac Beth**

Act One: The Audition

Elizabeth Quinn stood nervously before the casting panel. "I'm Quinn. Elizabeth Quinn."

"Alright, Elizabeth, tell us why we should make you a star."

Her voice is slightly nervous, but determination can be seen in her eyes. "It's my lifelong dream. Since childhood, I've yearned to act, to bring joy to people and move them with relatable stories. I want to make my family proud."

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