Chapter Five: Lost In Time

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* Jim (as Richie) stood before the mirror, his eyes wide with shock as he examined his own reflection. From behind him, someone approached, holding a mug of steaming coffee. *

Howard: Hey, are you okay? What happened to you? Did you see a ghost or something?

Jim (still in shock, his curiosity increased): Who are you? What year is it? Why am I here?

Howard's expression turned to confusion as he tried to make sense of Jim's questions.

Howard: Did you bump your head in the bathroom earlier today? (He asked with a playful tone)

Jack: He just woke up, Howard. Don't take your little brother too seriously.

Howard: (Smirking) I know, Dad. I'm just kidding. Here's your coffee.

Jim: (Becoming even more confused) Little brother?

Beatrice: (Teasing with a mixture of cuteness and concern) What happened, sweetie? You're too young to have dementia. Alright, mom's to the rescue.... since we're looking at this photo album of ours, come sit with us. Let's go through our family memories, and maybe that'll help clear your head.

With the couch comfortably supporting all four of them-Howard (big brother), Jack (Dad), Beatrice (Mom), and Jim (as Richie)-they settled in to explore the family photo album. Jim (as Richie) still felt puzzled about the situation, but he chose to listen intently as Jack (Dad) and Beatrice (Mom) recounted their cherished memories captured in the pictures.

The snapshots came alive as they shared their stories:

Picture of Jack and Beatrice's Wedding - 1997 (Shown by Beatrice)

Beatrice: (Smiling warmly) Here's where our journey started. Look at us in this photo, just a simple yet unforgettable moment. That's us sharing a kiss on our wedding day.

She continued, her voice carrying a touch of nostalgia as she recalled the past: "Jack and I were high school sweethearts. He used to write me love letters and send sunflowers to brighten my day, he said to me that I have the most beautiful eyes he ever seen, that made him fell inlove with me so badly. It took me a while to figure out it was him. I wrote him a letter back, and that's how we finally met. He courted me, and well, the rest is history." She glanced at Jack, their hands intertwined, and their eyes locked with affection.

Picture; Six Months Later - Birth of Howard (Big Brother)

Jack: (Chuckles) Now, this one's a classic. Here's the day our big brother, Howard, was born.

He pointed to the photo of a smiling baby Howard and continued with a grin: "Babies usually cry a lot in their first pictures, right? But not Howard. He just smiled at the camera, which is a fun memory for us all."

Laughter echoed in the room, except from Jim (as Richie), who still grappled with his confusion.

Picture; Birth of Richie

Beatrice: (Tenderly) And now, it's your turn, Richie. Howard was overjoyed to have a little brother like you. He wished and hoped for you. He promised to protect you no matter what. Just look at this picture. Howard's holding you, and you both have the happiest smiles.

Beatrice continued her storytelling with a smile: "Oh, and this one here, it's your fourth birthday. You received a gift from your grandfather's friend which is also a gift for him. He requested to us not to let you open it until your 10th birthday. I bet it's full of things from the 60s."

Jim (As Richie) finally enter in, wanting to know about the picture that caught his attention: "What about this one?"

Jack and Beatrice gently took the photo from Jim's (as Richie) hands, and a family picture emerged-a joyful moment in a park, the family sharing Hawaiian pizza and laughter, with Richie still a baby.

Jack: (Reflecting) Our family looks so happy here. There's nothing more precious than a simple and content family life.

Jack kissed Beatrice on the forehead, and Howard embraced them all, including Jim (as Richie). Jim, still grappling with his confusion, couldn't help but smile as he gradually wrapped his arms around them.

Jack added with excitement: "Now I have an idea, today is Friday Funday and we want to go out today right?; Since we've seen this photo, let's recreate it. How about a trip to the park?"

Joyful cheers came from everyone, though Jim (as Richie) simply smiled, still puzzling over his situation.

Chapter Five

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