Chapter Six: Friday Funday

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As everyone prepared for the picnic in the park, excitement buzzed through the air, except for Jim. He stayed on the couch, observing the house that was so different from what he remembered. Amidst the bustling activity, something caught his eye-a calendar showing the date as April 13, 2006. Shocked, he clutched his head and blacked out.

The song "Dream a Little Dream of Me" by Mamas and Papas played softly as Jim, now as Richie, found himself in a car with Jack, Beatrice, and Howard. He listened to the song, feeling comforted, until he unconsciously called out, "Mom? Dad?"

His parents exchanged glances, with his dad at the wheel and his mom in the front seat, while Howard slept next to Jim (As Richie).

Mom chuckled and said, "Oh sweetie, you're finally awake. I knew all those questions meant you needed sleep."

Jim (As Richie) smiled and chuckled

Dad joined in, teasingly saying, "Remember, sweetie, you're three years younger than your brother born in 1997."

He handed Jim (As Richie) a barf bag and a dramamine.

Confused, Jim (As Richie) asked, "What's this for, Dad?"

Smiling, Jack looked at Jim (As Richie) through the rearview mirror, replying, "You'll find out, son."

An odd sensation overwhelmed him, and he felt like he was about to vomit.

Beatrice noticed her son's discomfort and observed the damaged barf bag with a hole.

Jack quickly pulled over, and Jim (As Richie) opened the door to vomit outside, causing a momentary roadblock. Howard, awakened by the stop, asked if they were at the park and noticed Jim vomiting. He began to feel queasy too.

After a short break, the journey resumed, the family took in the scenic view of the road. Jack pointed out a clock tower that had stopped due to a lightning strike.

Jack revealed a black analog watch and shared a personal anecdote about receiving a wristwatch from a stranger.

"A stranger once said to me back when I was in school grade, the clock getting struck by lightning represents something. My dad said laughing; that the stranger gave me a wristwatch for marketing strategy, it's a businessman's technique to advertise their products during that time, but I found that the stranger really means something... it's really weird what she said lastly to me, she said to me to stay away from the road; she had a philosophical phrase; Life is for death, death is for life; when dying for others and living because of another's death."

After that, everyone is silent until Jim (As Richie) unconsciously cheered as he knew they are near the park, and everyone smiles as they notice the park with other people having a picnic as well; Jim (As Richie) was confused about his behavior, but he realizes that he is becoming more like Richie itself.

They parked their cars, and everyone is holding their things needed for the picnic. Jack is holding the icebox and an old journal on top of it, Beatrice is holding the foods, Howard is holding the blankets and a speaker for the songs while Jim (As Richie) is acting more like Richie, excitedly holding a camera for taking pictures later.

They looked for a spot that is slightly near the road, and the clock tower can still be seen from afar.

As they unpacked, Beatrice excitedly presented pizza while Jack pulled out drinks. Jim (As Richie) suggested taking a picture.

Jack agreed, adding they might ask someone else for a favor.

Jim (As Richie) noticed a girl playing nearby and shyly approached her. He asked if she could take a picture of his family.

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