Chapter Four: Richie's Wonderland

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* As Jim found Richie's room he opened it slowly that is why it creates a creaking sound and he got shock on what he saw inside *

Jim: What the--! You frightened me to death, phew!, (Jim said while shocked and paled to a tangerine cat he saw inside Richie's room) and who might you be, cat? (he saw a collar on tangerine cat's name) ohh, so it's Sunny huh? Well I'm Jim, nice to meet you (Jim talked to Sunny the cat as he pet it)

**Jim:** (whispering to himself) Okay, Richie said he was heading upstairs to see his Aunt. While I wait, I'll just take a quick peek around his room.

**Jim's eyes widen as he sees movie posters on the walls. He walks closer to examine them.**

**Jim:** Wow, look at all these movie posters. "Classic Films Collection"? "Sci-Fi Spectacular"? Richie really loves movies. (Jim spots Sunny the cat lounging on the bed)

**Jim notices a shelf filled with toy figures in clear boxes. He reaches out to pick up a figure.**

**Jim:** (smiling) I remember these superhero and video game characters! Richie must be lucky. If a kid was here, they'd be in heaven. (He puts the figure back and notices Richie's laptop. He thinks about opening it but decides not to.) He's probably using this laptop for more movies.

**Jim's attention goes to a diary on the bedside table. It looks familiar, but he decides not to get too close.**

**Jim:** (quietly) That diary... I've seen it before. No, I shouldn't invade Richie's privacy. It's not my business. (pauses) But it's strange, like I have a connection to it. Nah, better not invade his privacy.

**He walks to the closet and opens it, revealing neatly organized clothes and accessories.**

**Jim:** (raising an eyebrow) Richie's got a nice collection of clothes here. Good taste.

**Jim notices a closed door and tilts his head, then looks at a mysterious door in the corner of the room.**

**Jim:** (thinking) I wonder what's behind that door. Maybe a bathroom or another room? Nah, I've been pretty nosy already.

**Jim steps back, looking around the room again. His excitement fades a bit.**

**Jim:** (sighs) This room is cool, but it's a lot to take in. I should find something less geeky, like a newspaper or the weather forecast. (Jim looks around and finds some newspapers) Ah, perfect! Let's see what's going on in the world... Oh, here's the news section. Politics, economy... Wait, a new invention? That's interesting.

**Jim keeps reading the newspaper but suddenly feels something is wrong.**

**Jim:** Huh, this news seems oddly familiar... Wait a sec, these headlines... Does Richie collect newspapers now? What year is this from, 1997!? Why's he keeping these?

While Jim was reading the newspaper, the light suddenly turned off for a moment, and he felt a shiver. When it came back, it was flickering and making strange shadows in the room. Jim got really scared and didn't understand what was going on.

**Jim:** (wide-eyed, surprised) What... what's going on?

**Jim:** (voice shaky) This can't be real. It's not real!

The colorful lights in the room got dimmer, and some parts got dark. This made things disappear, like the posters, comics, and action figures, one by one. Each time something disappeared, Jim felt more confused and worried.

**Jim:** (panicking, looking around) Help! Someone, help! What's happening?!

**Jim:** (desperate) I need to get out of here. This isn't happening. I need help!

Finally, the lights went off completely for a short time. When they came back, the room was different. It didn't look like Richie's room anymore. Instead of the colorful posters and things, the room now had cozy green walls and old newspapers on them. The room felt like an old memory.

It was like the room changed into something new, and Jim didn't know where he was anymore.

**Jim's heart races, and he feels helpless as the room changes completely. He notices a door that is still there; he was curious about earlier and opens it.**

**Jim:** (whispers as he opens the creaking door) Where's Richie? I need to go... I need to... relax. This is too much. (voice still shaky from shock)

**Jim sees different people sitting on a couch, laughing and looking at a photo album.**

**Jim:** (walks closer) Uh, who are you guys? Where am I?

**The two people laugh as they hear Jim's questions.**

**Lady:** (smiling) What curious questions, dear.

**Guy:** (laughing) Were you watching too many sci-fi shows or something?

**Jim:** (confused) No, I don't know you. Are you Richie's guests?

**The two people laugh again.**

**Lady:** Oh sweetie, you're quite the joker.

**Guy:** (laughing) Alright, that's enough. Get ready, we're leaving soon. It's Friday Funday!

**Jim:** Friday Fun—

**Jim stops as he notices something shocking in the mirror, revealing himself as someone else.**

**Jim:** (whispering, stunned) This can't be. (touches his face) This isn't real. It's just a dream. I have to wake up. This can't... (voice trembling) Why am I Richie?

Chapter Four

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