Chapter Seven: Moments of the Past

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(At the cemetery, the Liv family stands before Jack's grave. The sun shines down, casting a warm glow over the surroundings.)*

Beatrice: *(Softly, holding a bouquet of flowers.)* It's been a year, Jack. A year since you left us. *(She places the bouquet on the grave.)*

Howard: *(Looking down, his voice choked up.)* We miss you, Dad. Every single day.

*(Beatrice takes a deep breath, trying to hold back tears.)*

Beatrice: Jack, the pain of losing you, it's still there, but so are the memories of the moments we shared. *(She wipes away a tear.)*

Howard: *(Smiling through tears.)* Like that time we went on that crazy roller coaster and you screamed louder than anyone else, Dad.

Jim (As Richie): *(Chuckling through tears.)* And that time you tell us to appreciate simple things because one day it will be the most expensive thing we can't afford. We miss you dad.

Beatrice: *(Her voice trembling.)* You were the heart of our family, Jack. You brought us so much joy, and even though you're not physically here, your spirit lives on in us.

*(They stand in silence for a moment, lost in their thoughts and memories.)*

Howard: *(Wiping his eyes.)* We promise to keep your memory alive, Dad. We'll make you proud.

Jim (As Richie): *(Nodding.)* We'll take care of Mom, just like you would have wanted.

Beatrice: *(Touched, placing her hand on Jack's grave.)* You may not be here with us, but you'll always be a part of our lives. We love you, Jack.

*(They are surrounded by the memories of their beloved Dad Jack. The wind blows through the trees, almost as if carrying their words to him.)*

After visiting Jack in the cemetery, Beatrice had an idea of treating her sons for an Ice Cream, they stopped by at a convience store but Beatrice needed to go the restroom for a while that is why she leave Howard and Jim(As Richie) together but she didn't expect what happened next

Beatrice: *(Exiting the restroom and looking around.)* Howard, Richie, where are you two?

*(She starts to panic, realizing that neither Howard nor Jim (As Richie) are in sight. She frantically searches the area, her heart pounding.)*

Beatrice: *(Calling out in a shaky voice.)* Howard! Richie! Answer me, please!

*(As she searches, a man approaches her, concern in his eyes.)*

Stranger: Ma'am, are you looking for your sons? I saw them being led away by a man just a few minutes ago.

Beatrice: *(Worried, her voice shaking.)* Yes, that's them! Where did they go? Do you know who that man was?

Stranger: I didn't recognize him, but he seemed to be in a hurry. They went towards that alley over there.

*(The stranger points in the direction where he last saw the man and the two boys.)*

Beatrice: *(Thanking the stranger and with a determined look, she heads towards the alley.)*

Beatrice: *(Whispering to herself.)* I have to call the police. I'll save my sons, no matter what it takes....

(The Stranger blindfolded Jim (As Richie) and Howard, pushed inside a black van, in the van they both smell a weird scent that made them fall asleep, as they woke they found themselves with other kids kidnapped and crying in an unknown warehouse)

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