Chapter Three: Liv, Richie Liv

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Jim: Alright, we have our orders. Now it's time to go, Richie. It's going to be a well-spent weekend. (Jim spoke as he walked out of the pizzeria, smiling because he got his Hawaiian pizza.)

Richie: Yup, it's the weekend. We should head to our place now. I can't wait to watch "Rise of the Shapeshifter." I'll be looking at its cinematography, themes, plot twists, and the entire story itself. (Richie said to Jim, giggling with excitement, like a kid with a new action-figure toy.)

Jim: So you're saying we're going to rate the film?! I think it's a great idea. Count me in! (Jim replied with wide-open eyes, excitedly.)

Richie: Of course, bruv. That's why you should get your notes ready, and we'll talk about it after the film. (Richie answered as he rode his bike.)

Jim: Now that's making me even more excited. Binge-watching is such a fun thing to do. (Jim replied as he also rode his bike.)

Richie: Let's head to the realm of fun! Woo-hoo! (Richie shouted happily while both he and Jim rode their bikes to Richie's house.)

Richie: (Richie immediately added) Hey, Jim, I know you're not a fan of Sci-Fi films, but I am thinking of someone to give my movie posters to. Do you think you'd want them?

Jim: Ohh no, Richie, I hope you understand I don't hate Sci-Fi, but I'm just not into it. However, if you want to give them to me, who am I to not accept them? Besides, it's going to be a souvenir from a friend.

Richie: Awesome! I knew you would accept them. I have different posters there. First, I have the film poster of "MindSculptor." I'm just going to tell you the idea of the story, so no need to worry about spoilers. (Richie said and winked.) It is about Eloise Vincenzo, a European artist with the power to bring her creations to life using her mind. She sculpts detailed sculptures that can manipulate reality when animated, but her creations sometimes gain a mind of their own, leading to both inspiring creations and unintended chaos. And the second one is a masterpiece poster, the film title is "Dystopian: Genesis." In a pre-dystopian society, a brilliant scientist was trying to perfect a revolutionary mind-enhancement serum. However, people are against his ideals, which is why it was canceled for human trial. He was eager to see the result of his work, so he tried the experimental process on himself. But then a malfunction occurred, causing the serum to overdose his body. As a result, Riley Gotti gained the ability to manipulate thoughts, see through others' memories, learn how humans think in a different way, but above all, he became the New Age Genius as he knows everything others are just about to, but the side effect was that he aged faster than a normal human and died...

*While Richie shares about his movie posters and the ideas of the films' stories, Jim was deep in thought, reminiscing about a memory.*

Jim: (Thinking to himself) Time goes by quickly. I didn't know I can make friends. It's like destiny brought us together. Without you, Richie, I might not have a chance for a new day. I'm grateful to you, my friend. But how did we actually meet? Oh yes, I remember now. It was during College, up on the school's rooftop...

YEAR 2019

*Richie's heart raced as he saw Jim on the edge of the school rooftop.*

**Richie:** (his voice shaky) Wait! Stop! I'm Richie. Even though we don't know each other, I care. Please step back.

**Jim:** (teary-eyed) Why care? Life's just pain. *(Jim's voice was soft, almost drowned by his tears.)*

**Richie:** (fighting tears) I've been there too, you know? Feeling like everything's crashing down. But pain doesn't define us. We have the power to rise above it. Life can be hell, but it's also a canvas for us to create our own masterpiece.

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