Chapter 24

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As the morning sun bathed the world in soft light, we made the decision to continue our journey, hoping that we might find some answers or other survivors at the airport. The sight of a few helicopters flying overhead caught our attention, reigniting a spark of hope within us.

 The sight of a few helicopters flying overhead caught our attention, reigniting a spark of hope within us

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"Look, Gabriel! Helicopters!" I exclaimed, pointing at the aircraft.

Gabriel's eyes widened, and he immediately raised his voice to get their attention. "Hey! Up here! Help!" he called out, waving his arms vigorously.

We watched with bated breath as the helicopters continued on their course, seemingly oblivious to our presence. The disappointment washed over us like a wave, leaving us feeling dejected.

"They didn't see us either," I said, my voice tinged with frustration.

Gabriel sighed, his shoulders slumping momentarily. "It's as if we're invisible," he said, his frustration echoing my own.

As we stood there, the distant hum of the helicopters slowly faded away, leaving us once again in the eerie silence of the post-apocalyptic world.

"We can't rely on others to save us," Gabriel said, his voice determined. "We have to keep going and find a way to survive on our own."

I nodded, understanding the truth in his words. We couldn't wait for someone else to come and rescue us. We had to be self-reliant, resourceful, and strong.

"We'll make it to the airport," I said, my determination matching his.

As we continued our journey, Gabriel suddenly stopped in his tracks and fell to his knees.

Panic surged within me as I rushed to his side, immediately noticing the heat radiating from his skin when I touched his hand and his forehead.

"Gabriel, what happened?" I asked, my voice filled with worry.

He looked up at me, his face pale and sweat glistening on his brow. "I don't know," he replied, his voice weak. "I feel so hot and dizzy."

Fear gripped my heart as I realized that Gabriel was running a high fever. We were in the middle of nowhere, with no medical help nearby.

"We need to find shelter somewhereto rest," I said urgently, trying to remain calm despite the fear welling up inside me.

Gabriel nodded, but he was clearly struggling to keep his composure. "I'll be okay," he assured me, though it was evident that he was in distress.

"We can't take any chances," I said firmly, helping him to his feet. "We need to find help."

"This must be because of the cold river we jumped into and your open wounds," I said, worry evident in my voice.

Gabriel nodded, wincing as he shifted his position. "You might be right," he said, acknowledging the possibility. "The water could have been contaminated, and my wounds might have gotten infected."

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