Chapter 10

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I am so sorry that it has taken this long. My friend Myah told me I should update it so I hope this makes her happy.

Anyways, my computer is totally busted so I had to go to get my very old DSL computer from the basement to update this. 

It sucks, this computer absolutely sucks. 

So i truly hope y'all enjoy this chapter because I had to go through a lot to actually update it.








My eyes were beginning to sting due to all the crying. Zayn kept trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear a word he said since I was too busy listening to my own thoughts. The sun was beginning to set and I was loosing hope.

Then suddenly, I heard some rustling come from the woods. I stood up, ready to fight off some cougar or bear. 

But it wasn't a bear or cougar. It was a familiar curly-haired boy carrying a beautiful, and wounded girl. Not just any girl though, MY girl, Carter. My feet quickly carried me and swept her from Harry's arms. She was covered in cuts and bruises, almost looked like she got in a fight with a raccoon. Liquid came rushing to my eyes as I looked at her, then up to Harry's face.

"D-did you find her like this? W-where are the others?" I asked frantically.

"Liam went-"

I cut Harry off, "I don't care about him," I hissed through a clenched jaw.

"Well..Audrey and Louis are on their way then," He quickly responded. I nodded then took the girl, who was in my arms still, into the RV to clean her up. Gently, I set her on the couch, then went over to grab a wash cloth.Cold water poured out of the  faucet and onto the green towel for her. The towel dabbed away all the  blood away from her angelic face. 

Liam can't have her, and he knows it, yet he tries to steal her from me. Even though she's technically not mine yet, since I haven't asked her out, I imprinted on her. She still is mine. I love her with all my heart and everything else that is good in me. I just really love her.

I then turned away from her to wash out the blood from the wash cloth. The faucet turned on, and cold water began to pour out once again. 

"N-Niall?" I heard a weak voice say from behind me. I swiveled back around to find Carter with her eyes open and sitting up.

"Carter!" I squealed and ran to her side, enveloping her in a hug. Her small hands reached up and pushed my chest away. I raised an eye brow at her, questioning her actions. She just shook her head and tried to stand up. I pushed her back onto the couch since I didn't want her hurting herself.

"I-I can walk!" She snapped at me. I raised my hands up by my head and backed away. Carter stumbled to her feet and looked up at me. 

"Where's Liam?" She asked while looking passed me out the window. My arms dropped down to my sides as I heard her say these words. My jaw slightly dropped, I felt like dying right there and then. Something in my chest shattered into billions of tiny pieces. Is this what heart ache feels like?

Carter didn't wait for an answer. Instead, she turned and left me alone. More tears swelled up in my eyes. I tried to hold them back, but they found their way out.  My knees gave out and I collapsed to the floor. My head started to spin, the room around me looked as if it turned into a tornado. I felt like throwing up, but it wouldn't come. It wouldn't let me throw up.

I don't want to be here anymore.


I can't. I can't choose between them. That's like choosing one puppy over another. Impossible, right? 

Slowly, I stumbled over to the picnic table where everyone was at. 

"Are you okay?" Louis shouted to me and ran towards me full speed. 

"F-fine," I tripped over dirt as he tackled me in a hug.

"Don't break her!" Someone from behind Lou yelled at him. Louis moved out of the way to reveal Liam. A smile inched it's way across my face as I saw him with his dazzling brown eyes and side swept hair. I limped over to him as fast as possible, then leaped up to hug him, wrapping my legs around his waist. Liam twirled me around then set me down so I was facing the RV.

I could see Niall's tear-stained face peeping out between the shades. It felt like my heart had snapped in half right then when I saw this. I never meant to hurt him, or anyone. I'm just an exchange student anyways, I'll be gone soon, and everything will be back to normal, right? My smile faded away at the thought.

A large hand reached up to my cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked as his other arm snaked around my waist, pulling me close as possible towards him.

"Fine," the lie slipped from my mouth. After all, I was used to it, but it never failed to surprise me how easily people believed it. A pair of lips connected with mine. Where were the sparks? I asked myself. There were none at all. No fireworks dancing between us or anything. My hands reached up to Liam's chest to push him away, just as I had done to Niall.

"I-I left something in the RV," I lied as I slipped out of Liam's hold and jogged to the RV door. I slammed the door behind me to make sure it was closed all the way, then tried to find Niall. He was the item that I had left behind in the RV. Whimpering was coming from the master bedroom of the RV, so I made my way over to it. My fingers slipped the curtain out of the way, and there he was. Laying on the bed, crying his eyes out.

I stepped slowly towards him and sat down on the edge of the bed. It must've startled him since he quickly sat up. He just stared at me with a blank expression, not knowing what to say.

I reached out my hand and grabbed the collar of his polo to bring him closer. Our lips smashed together and danced along in a magical kiss.

There's the sparks that I've been searching for.




okay, yeah, so this sucked. Absolutely positively horrid. 

And sorry it was short, I just had to update cos I felt bad for abandoning your guys.

Now. For me to update either BMKITR or PYB I need to get some reads on my Louis fan fic. Please everyone go read it! 

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