Chapter 1

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Okay, so here's Pack Your Bags the one with Niall Horan. I hope you guys like it, I really do!!

So Liam and Harry were kinda tied. Keep Voting please!!! Comment your vote on Be My Kiss in the Rain? please thanks xx.

So anyways. I need to know if you guys like this so far.

I'm not so sure, just vote or comment if you did that'd be brilliant!

Thanks again xx

I've gotten 20 fans and 2,000 something reads on Be My Kiss in the Rain? YAY!!

Now Lads and Ladies...Pack Your Bags...




"Mom, I'll be fine, I promise!" I told her for the billionth time. She wasn't too sure it seemed. I know for her it must be hard letting her "baby girl" go. 4,982 miles from California, my home, my birth place, the only place I've ever known. Going to Mullignar, Ireland to be an exchange student.

"We're here," She sniffed as she pulled our small car into the airport parking lot. I looked over to Ari and Cody. Ari is my best friend....and only friend..

Cody is my brother, my world, my friend, and protector. Any guy came near me, they were dead. My brother was always there for me when my mom wasn't. When I was five, my father died. She turned into a bit of a wreck. So my, at the time, 10-year-old-brother had to take care of me while my mom went out and getting drunk, buying drugs, and gambling. My brother was a very smart 10-year-old so he decided to call a rehab center for her. She had someone take care of us while she was gone. Then when she returned she was all better, she even grew closer to us.

Ari had always been there for me when I got bullied at school. She didn't have many friends like me.

"I'm going to miss you, Carter," Ari was looking out the open window and her long layered black hair was flowing from the wind that was rushing in. She finally looked over to me through her brown eyed gaze. She reminds me of Snow White. Hair black as night and skin white as snow.

"It's not like I won't miss you," I smiled to her. She smiled back. I was in the middle of Cody and Ari, in the middle seat of the back. I  looked over to Cody because I swore I heard a sniffle.

"Cody?" He then looked at me and his eyes were red and puffy, "Are you okay?" I asked scrunching my eye brows together.

"My little sister is growing up," Was all he said with a forced smile. The car stopped and my mom got out. Ari, Cody and I crawled out of the back. I went to the back of the small car to help my mom grab my luggage.

Cody put his arm around me as we entered the airport. I held Ari's hand on my right side. My mom went ahead of us to do the paper work for my luggage.

Once that was all done, she came back over to us and handed me the papers and my ticket.

I hugged Ari, my mom, and Cody one last time. Each of their hugs had a sort of linger  in them. I didn't want to let go either. But I had to.

I smiled and waved, then I was on my way.

I went over to the escalator and started going up to security check.

The last glimpse I saw of them was all of them teary eyed, and waving while trying to smile.

This just made it worse for me. I got a knot in my stomach, then it decided to venture up to my throat. I always get knots in my throat when something isn't right.

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