Chapter 7

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My mouth dropped open. I'm still going to prom? What? When? How?

"Don't judge me for this, but we're breaking you in," She smiled evilly.

"AUDREY! You can't break me into-" She then covered my mouth with her hand and started to drag me out of the school. I know where we're heading. The back of the fields I believe.

I was right.

She set me down on the bench.

"Okay, listen, we're ditching school to go dress shopping. Then later tonight around a half an hour before prom we'll pick you up," She smiled her same twisted smile.

"I'm not ditching school!" Too late she already picked me up bridal style and started to run. She didn't seem to are if anyone saw her. Her breath was starting to come out uneven as she attempted to run full speed with me.

We edged closer and closer to her orange old-fashioned beetle. She threw me over the door since it was convertible. Then climbed into the drivers seat herself. She put her key in then with a twist it was started. We drove off into town to find a dress shop. Turns out they only have a few here in Mullignar. None the less, we did find one.

I hopped out after her, she ran into the store all excited. Me on the other hand, was going to be bored as hell. 

"Ooooh! Carter!!! This one!" She held up a purple and sparkly ball gown. I cringed at the sight of it.

"Not your stuff, eh?" She said as she put it back. Audrey turned her attention back to the racks of TONS of dresses, while something else caught my eye. I walked over to a shelf containing little carved objects. One caught my eye out of the most. A wooden rose. The top was made out of a type of wood with a reddish hint while the stem part was a very white wood. It was the most perfect thing I had ever seen. 

I was just about to pick it up, but "CARTER!! Look at this one!" Audrey held up a dress with a huge smile on her face. It was a deep forest green that shimmered in even the darkest of room lights like this one. I still cringed at it. 

She frowned, "Your impossible Jewelly Carter," Audrey shook her head and got back to looking. I turned my attention back to the rose. It was the size of a real rose. Not huge and bulky, but fragile and small. I picked it up out of the glass case it had been sitting in. 

"My husband carved that during the war," An elderly lady from behind the counter said to me. I turned to her and smiled.

"Oh, so I'm guessing you want to keep it," I then frowned as I put it back in the case.

"No no no, it's yours. For free! No one that has come in here has ever showed interest in it like you have, take it!" She smiled to me, "Even the glass case, all yours."

"Thank you," I smiled as I picked up the glass case and set it in a chair that I could rest in while Audrey searched for dresses. 

"Look through these," Audrey tossed a bunch of dresses at me. I looked through all of them and almost vomited. 

"Okay, well there are more stores, so come on little miss picky!" She smiled as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out back to her car. I set the rose in the back of the car as she sped off down the road to the next store. We pulled up to a neater looking store, and got out. 

Audrey went immediately over to the dresses. 

"WAIT! You and Niall need to match! He's wearing a white tuxedo with a green tie, so..would you wear a green or white dress?" She asked with her head slightly cocked to the side.

I shrugged, "Why not?"

Audrey turned her attention back to the racks as I curiously wandered throughout the store. Suddenly, I saw the most gorgeous dress ever. Well, as beautiful as a dress could be for me at least. 

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