Chapter 2

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"Horan, Niall Horan," He smiled as he shook my hand. I smiled back. I scooted over on the bench so he could sit by me.

"So...who's your host family?" He asked  in his Irish accent which I find attractive.

"The West's," I sighed.

"Ah, so I'm guessing you've met Ashley from the look on your face and the tear stains," He frowned.

"Yep, she's just lovely," I laughed at my sarcasm.

He laughed a little too, "Don't worry. She's little miss popular at our school. She's a complete bitch to be honest." I nodded in agreement.

"NIALL! Hey come on! Let's go!" I looked in the direction that they were coming from. There were four of them. One with black hair gelled up into a quiff, two of them had a simular style; brown hair swept to the side, the last one had curly brown locks. These must be Niall's friends. They finally made their way over to the bench and gave Niall the "who's-this-look." 

"Guys, this is Carter. She's the exchange student from America," He pointed to me, "Carter, this is Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Harry. They all moved here from England." He pointed to each of the boys once he said a name. I did a little wave.

"HI!" They all said together.

"So...I see Niall's already hitting on the new student...might I say..the new BEAUTIFUL student," The one named Louis, I think, said wiggling his eye brows.

"LOU! No, She was just.." I think he saw my face because he stopped in his sentence. I believe I was showing the "don't-tell-them-face."

"Sitting here.." He sighed.

"Exactly, now sorry Carter, but we must take your man away. We'll see you 'round school then," Louis waved goodbye like the rest of them as he tugged Niall away.

"Bye," Niall did a little wave as they tugged him away.

Great, now I'm alone with no one. At least I can think. At least I might have possible friends before my eyes, and at least I'm not the only one who thinks Ashley is..mean.

I got up from the bench and decided to explore Mullignar a little bit. Me being as curious as I am I had to go look around.

I eventually found myself at a coffee shop. Walking up to the window and peering in I swore I saw Ashley, but I quickly hid behind a near by post.

Deep breath, and just go in. I placed my hand on the door knob and twist. The fresh coffee air hit my face as I walked silently into the sweet smelling aroma. I was right, that was Ashley, and from what it looks to be her little followers.

I slid through all the little gatherings of different people and made it to the front desk.

"Hi, one hot chocolate please," I told the lady at the front desk. It was a bit cold outside today so something warm shall help.

"Here you are," The lady handed me the warm cup of steaming hot coco. I paid her and was about to walk out, but of course. Me being me. Something had to go wrong.

"Oh, Hey Jewely! Where do you think you're going?" Ashley said in her high-pitched-nasally voice. Once she said this she stuck out her 5 inch high heals to trip me with. Of course, down I fell, hot chocolate and all. I landed on my nose which hurt a lot, and I must've thrown my hot chocolate in the air when I fell because somehow it landed on my hair. I tried to get to my knees at least. My eyes were fogging up from the tears that were about to leak out. I saw a small puddle below where my nose had landed.

"She must have been going on a lovely trip to the floor, Ash!" One of Ashley's followers laughed. Soon the whole group of them were laughing. I tried to look through my tearing up eyes to see her group. They all had either brown or blond hair. If they had blond hair, it was bleached to death like the Queen Bee's. If it was brown it had some hair of blond in it showing their attempts to dye it blond. They were all caked in make up. Tons of eye liner, and drawn on eye brows.

"Well, girls, let's leave this bitch to clean up for us!" She squeaked. Her minions nodded and agreed. One by one all eight made their way out, each dumping the last of their drink on me, and if it was food...they'd squish it onto my head.

Yes, thanks for the welcoming, Mulignar.

Everyone seemed to be staring at me. Were even the adults afraid of her? Or did they just absolutely not know what to do? I stood up and looked around to every ones starring eyes. I didn't say anything, I just got up and left.

I slowly began the walk home, even though I was absolutely dreading going back there.

All I feel that I have to talk to here is my shadow, but even that leaves me when the suns out.

Please get better.

Please get better.

Is all I can afford to think of right now. First world problems for me is figuring out how to get along with Ashley...and everyone else. Even though it seemed Niall and I got on well, I think that was a one time deal.

It felt cold walking alone. Usually I had Ari with me. Ariel has always been there for me. When someone was mean, when I lost a friend, when I couldn't handle life,  and when everything

I wish she was here.

I know, I can wish and wish, but it'll never happen.

I just...wish.

I slipped off my shoes and walked bare footed on the cold cement. It was very rough..and, well, cold. Some spots were warm from where squirrels had been laying to try and warm up. The sun was starting to set a little.

Day 1, well, I don't know about you, but I think it went quite swell.

Shivers passed through my body as it started to get colder into the night.

How far had I gone?

I started hearing foot steps behind me, I tried to keep saying to myself that they're a figment of my imagination.

I was wrong though, it wasn't imagination.

"What are you doing out here this late at night?" The blond haired boy from earlier walked beside me.

"I was heading back to the West's house," I explained.

He nodded, "Well, I live on the next block passed their house, so you mind if I walk you there?" He asked. He seemed like he wanted to be my friend, but I wasn't so sure. I sound like it's the first time I ever went to school from the days of my childhood where you'd go up to someone and ask to be friends. No matter who they were, what they looked like, anything, you didn't just needed a friend. I liked those days. People now just judge you for what you wear or look like.

"I don't mind at'd be nice to have some company," I smiled to him.

"Here take my jacket," He started to take off his jacket.

"What, why?" I asked, but my cover was blown when my words came out shaky from the shiver.

"You're cold, babe, that's why," He said sternly, but with a bit of humour in his voice.

"Thanks," I smiled to him again as he put his jacket around me. A cliche move, but I like the sappy, cheesy romantic stuff.

Wait, what?! Romantic!? We're just friends, Carter, just friends.

That's the thing though. I felt as if we were more. I felt as if when I looked into his eyes, he was dying inside to kiss me or something. I had the urge to kiss him, but I doubt the feeling was mutual.

I doubted it all.




So sorry if that's short. Hope it was seemed a, iffy to me.

None the less thanks for reading :3

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