Chapter 3

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One week later..

I had survived most of Ashley the first week, and I hope she's bearable at school. I hope she's not under the influence of  her friends there.

"Carter! We don't want you to be late on the first day, dear!" Mrs. West voice rung throughout the whole house even though she was just talking to me. I groaned a bit, but I obeyed and got out of bed. I quickly dressed into something nice for the first day of school. I wanted to make an impression and a good word for America so dressing nicely seemed like a good option. I changed into a silky light pink dress, a brown loose sweater to go over, and I grabbed some dress-laced shoes. Ari had gotten me some beautiful golden bracelets for a goodbye present. I put those on as well.

I quickly walked down the stairs into the kitchen to catch some of Mrs. West's breakfast she had prepared. The aroma of fresh made pancakes filled the air as I took a seat at the table.

"Hmm you looked nice today, Carter," Mrs. West smiled to me as she flipped a pancake onto my plate.

"Thank you," I smiled back before taking a huge bite.Then Mrs. West left the room, and here comes Ashley.

"Hey, bitch," She mumbled as she flicked the back of my head and kept walking. I couldn't stand it, so I got up and tossed my plate into the trash. Ran back up the stairs to do my make up and hair.


I heard the bus honking outside so I quickly grabbed my bag and tried to run for the door. Ashley tripped me. I fell straight on my face as she ran out the door to the bus. The bus started to pull away. I quickly collected myself and ran out of the house, but it was too late.

I'll have to walk.

I put my satchel around my shoulder and walked.

I knew the first day was going to be bad. There's no one. Maybe the boy I met last week, but I haven't seen him since. My confidence about my first day was gone. All gone.

My hope eventually rose a little when I saw that familiar blond hair just ahead of me. I ran and ran until I got to him.

"Niall?! Wait!" i breathed as I slowly stopped just behind him. He turned around, and when he saw me his smile grew huge.

"Carter! Why aren't you on the bus?" He asked a little worried once helping me walk while out of breath from running two blocks. I'm out of shape, okay?

"Ashley," Was all I could breath out.

"Hmm figures, well, you've got me," He smiled.

"Thanks," I smiled back, and lost more breath because of his smile. It was beautiful and perfect in everyway. His crooked teeth I found to be adorable.

I wonder if anyone back home misses me? Probably not. I'm the type of person to meant to be alone for the rest of their life. Meant to be that crazy cat lady with 60+ cats in a small apartment building. No one to care about me except for my cats. Me and my cats, my cats and me.

I suddenly felt warm fingers slide in between mine. His face was bright red when I looked up to him. I smiled to reassure him. Does he really feel the same way? 

"We're here," Niall pointed to the small school. Wow, it looked beautiful. It had many small gardens and vines climbing up the scarlet brick walls. Yes, the school was scarlet. It suited it well though.

"I'll take you to your first room," He smiled to me not letting go of my hand, yet. The corridors were lined with tan colored lockers, the floors had tiled of the same tan and red, the brick walls white, and the doors that led to class rooms were a pencil-colored wood.

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