Part 3 | Captured Melodies

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Amelia Burton, the famous stylist, exuded an air of confidence as she surveyed us with a discerning eye. Her presence was commanding, her sharp gaze taking in every detail as she sized us up. 

"Well, well, look who finally decided to join us," she remarked, her tone dripping with thinly veiled impatience as she addressed me.

I offered a sheepish smile, trying to maintain my composure under her scrutinizing gaze. "Sorry for the delay. Traffic was brutal this morning."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Aria Stone" I offered her my hand to shake but she ignored it completely as she shifted her attention to Lexi. "And who might this be?"

Lexi's posture remained relaxed, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Lexi Vega". A flicker of surprise crossed Amelia's features, her demeanour shifting ever so slightly.

Amelia's facade seemed to crack, a subtle change in her demeanor as she assessed Lexi anew. "Well, Ms. Vega, it's a pleasure to have you here."

As I headed towards the fitting room to try on some clothes, I couldn't shake off the feeling that Amelia was going to be a pain in the ass to work with. It was clear that she had a particular way of interacting with people.

Inside the fitting room, I tried on a series of outfits, each one reflecting a different facet of our band's image. 

The process was meticulous, with Amelia offering commentary that was both insightful and, at times, cutting. "Not quite right for your figure," she remarked at one point, her tone dripping with critique.

Meanwhile, outside the fitting room, Lexi engaged in a conversation with Amelia that I couldn't quite hear. Their voices were hushed, but I caught snippets of their exchange. Lexi's voice carried a certain authority, a hint of familiarity that I hadn't expected.

When I emerged from the fitting room, I noticed an unusual change in Amelia's demeanor. Her expression was more composed, her tone less biting as she offered suggestions for alterations. I exchanged a puzzled look with Lexi, who merely shrugged in response.

As we wrapped up the fitting session and prepared to leave the studio, I couldn't help but voice my curiosity. "What did you say to her?"

Lexi's lips curled into a small, enigmatic smile. "Just made sure she knew who she was dealing with."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued but also perplexed. "And who are you?"

She offered a cryptic smile. "Let's just say my family has its own reputation to uphold."

As we exited the studio, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Lexi than met the eye. The way she had managed to influence Amelia's behavior intrigued me.

As I walked alongside Lexi, her stride confident, I knew that there was a hidden depth to her that I had yet to fully uncover. 

Later that day Lexi and I were dropped off to yet another spacious studio. The band members of Eclipsia stood side by side, dressed in carefully selected outfits that conveyed their unique personalities.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the band members waited to finally get their album cover photo taken today. The memory of their earlier encounter with the stylist, Amelia Burton, still lingered, and their voices buzzed with conversation.

"Did anyone else feel like she was sizing us up for target practice?" Nicole quipped, her eyes narrowing in mock suspicion.

Stella chuckled, adjusting the strap of her bass guitar. "Seriously, I thought she was going to critique the way I held my instrument."

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