Part 21 | Ballistic Budapest

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The whirlwind of shows and travel continued as we moved from one city to another, each performance blurring into the next. The excitement of being on stage, the rush of the crowd's energy, and the joy of sharing our music with our fans were all still there, but there was a constant undercurrent of distraction in my mind.

Budapest, a city with its own charm and beauty, was the next stop on our tour. As we settled into our hotel, I found myself retreating to my own thoughts more often than not. The fan-made videos of Lexi and me, the constant speculation and shipping—it was all consuming, occupying my thoughts even when I should have been enjoying the sights and experiences of a new city.

My alone time was spent scrolling through social media, my fingers tapping furiously as I clicked through countless videos and comments. The views and likes on those fan-made videos were skyrocketing, each new click only adding fuel to the fire of my internal turmoil.

In the midst of my internal struggle, a pang of guilt crept in. I couldn't help but wonder how my mom would react if she stumbled upon these videos. Would she be disappointed? Would she be upset that her daughter was being speculated about in such a way? And more importantly, did it even matter? Why should I care so much about how others perceived my relationships and identity?

Our free day in Budapest offered a temporary breather from the whirlwind of the tour, yet there was an undercurrent of tension that lingered in the background. The unexpected summons from Daniel Hartman and our Harmony Records management team had cast a shadow of uncertainty over us, leaving me anxious about the upcoming meeting.

As we gathered in the hotel's meeting room, I exchanged wary glances with Nicole, Stella, and Lexi. The atmosphere felt charged, a palpable sense of unease hanging in the air.

Daniel Hartman, his usually composed demeanor strained, sat at the head of the table, his fingers tapping impatiently on the polished surface. The rest of the management team flanked him, their expressions mirroring his frustration.

"Thank you for joining us," Daniel's voice was icy, his tone devoid of the usual pleasantries.

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling a knot of tension forming in my stomach. Something was definitely amiss.

"We need to address a matter of utmost importance," Daniel continued, his eyes fixed on each of us in turn. "The dynamics within the band."

Nicole raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "What do you mean, 'dynamics'?"

Daniel's lips tightened into a thin line. "I'm referring to the... personal interactions and relationships that have been gaining attention."

I exchanged puzzled glances with the girls. What was he getting at?

"It has come to our attention that certain members of the band have been... too close for comfort," Daniel's words were laced with a heavy dose of disapproval.

Stella's eyes narrowed, her voice edged with defiance. "Are you implying that our personal lives are any of your concern?"

"Our concern is maintaining the image and reputation of Eclipsia," Daniel retorted, his frustration thinly veiled.

Lexi's brows furrowed, her voice steady as she spoke up. "And what exactly is the issue here? We're a close-knit band, that's no secret."

Daniel's gaze shifted to me, his eyes sharp with an unspoken message. "The issue, Lexi, is that certain interactions have the potential to compromise the image we've carefully cultivated."

I felt a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach, a growing understanding of what he was getting at. It was clear that Daniel wanted to keep Lexi and me as far apart as possible, fearing the impact it might have on the band's reputation.

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