Part 6 | Bound by Business

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Group Chat: Eclipsia Management Update

Group Created by HarmonyRecordsMgmt

HarmonyRecordsMgmt: Hey Eclipsia! We've got some exciting news to share with you all. Please gather in this chat for an important update.

Aria: Oh, I wonder what this could be about! 🤔

Stella: Exciting news? I'm all ears!

Nicole: I'm intrigued! Spill the beans!

Lexi: (joining the chat) Hey guys, what's going on?

HarmonyRecordsMgmt: Hi everyone! We're thrilled to let you know that you'll be joining Austin Hayes on the remaining dates of his tour as the opening act!

Aria: (typing furiously) Wait, seriously?! 😲

Stella: No way! Are you for real?

Nicole: OMG, this is huge!!!

Lexi: Wow...

HarmonyRecordsMgmt: Yes, it's official! You'll be joining Austin for his upcoming tour dates in Kansas City, Denver, Seattle, Santa Clara, and Los Angeles.

Aria: I can't even... pinch me, please!

Stella: This is like a dream come true!

Nicole: Opening for Austin Hayes?! This is insane!

Lexi: I'm in shock.

HarmonyRecordsMgmt: We're excited about this opportunity, and we know you're going to rock the stage alongside Austin. The Mgmt team has planned this as a way to get you girls ready for your tour. We are busy working on the final details, which will be revealed to you guys and your fans shortly after your tour with Austin.

Aria: (emoji explosion) 🎉🎤🎶

Stella: I'm already practising my bass lines!

Nicole: My drumsticks are ready to go!

HarmonyRecordsMgmt: That's the spirit! We believe in you all. You'll be joining Austin in two days. We'll provide all the details and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Aria: Two days? It's all happening so fast!

Stella: Let's do this, team!

Nicole: Can't wait to hit the road!

HarmonyRecordsMgmt: We can't wait to see you shine. Keep up the great work, Eclipsia!

Aria: This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime!

Stella: Let's show the world what we're made of!

Nicole: Eclipsia, here we come!

Lexi: Can't wait.

as I read through the exchanges, I couldn't help but notice that Lexi's responses were a bit... dry. It was unlike her usual vibrant and energetic self. I frowned, puzzled by the change in her tone. There was a story there, and I was determined to unravel it - to support Lexi and uncover the truth behind her sudden change in demeanour.

I had originally planned to meet up with some friends tonight. But as I peered out the window of my apartment, I saw the familiar sight of fans gathered outside, their excited chatter and waving signs a reminder of the world we now inhabited.

Paparazzi cameras flashed on the side. The outside world seemed both alluring and overwhelming, a blend of adoration and intrusion that left me feeling both grateful and vulnerable.

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