Part 4 | The Release Party

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The limousine glided through the city streets, a cocoon of nervous anticipation enveloping the four of us. I glanced out of the window, the passing lights a blur as my thoughts raced. This was the day - the culmination of weeks of hard work, late nights, and endless rehearsals. It was the release party for our debut album, a moment I had dreamed about for so long.

Beside me, Stella's glasses caught the soft light as she fidgeted with her fingers. Her excitement was palpable, contagious even, and I couldn't help but crack a smile. "Can you believe it's finally here?"

Lexi's enigmatic smile appeared, and her words held a sense of reflection. "It's been quite a journey."

I found myself glancing at Lexi, her profile illuminated by the gentle glow of the limousine's interior. She looked stunning today, and ready as ever to tackle a red carpet. I let my mind acknowledge her attractiveness for a second too long before swiftly steering back to the conversation.

"Yeah, it's like every note we've played has led us to this moment," I replied, my voice a mix of nerves and excitement.

Stella nodded, her voice carrying the earnestness of our shared journey. "I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they hear our music."

Nicole's rhythmic drumming on the armrest punctuated the conversation.

"And the party Harmony Records has planned? It's going to be epic!"

My thoughts refocused, my grin widening as I leaned back in my seat. "Oh! They've promised some incredible surprises."

As the limousine's motion continued, the sense of pride among us filled the air. We were united at this moment, a mixture of nerves and exhilaration pulsating beneath the surface. Lexi's voice brought me back from my thoughts, her words grounding me once more.

"You know, regardless of what happens tonight, we've already achieved something amazing," Lexi said, her gaze meeting mine.

I met her eyes, her words resonating deeply within me. "You're right, Lexi. We've already won."The limousine came to a halt, and the doors swung open, revealing the dazzling lights of the venue. As we stepped onto the red carpet, the cheers and excitement of the crowd enveloped us. The nerves remained, but they were tinged with a sense of unity and purpose.

Cameras flashed, the blinding lights momentarily obscuring my vision. The photographers' chorus of shouts and the hum of excitement from the crowd filled the air. But amid the chaos, something unexpected caught my eye - a small group of fans standing beyond the velvet ropes, their eager smiles and homemade signs a testament to their support.

My heart skipped a beat as I exchanged glances with Stella, who grinned from ear to ear. "Look at that, Aria. Our own little welcoming committee."

The realization hit me like a tidal wave. We had been building a presence online, connecting with people through our social media accounts. Sharing snippets of our music, teasing our small following with glimpses of our songs. Still, I had never expected to see fans - real, live fans - waiting for us like this.

Nicole, beside me, leaned over and whispered, "Can you believe this, Aria?"

"No," I admitted with a mixture of wonder and joy.

Lexi, always the enigmatic one, simply smirked and shrugged, her gaze scanning the crowd with a hint of amusement. "Guess we're making quite the entrance."

Stella, ever the optimist, waved at the fans with uncontainable excitement. "Hey, guys! Thanks for being here!"

The fans erupted into cheers and applause, their energy infectious. As we reached the end of the red carpet, we posed for the obligatory photos, our smiles a mix of genuine elation and surreal disbelief.

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