Part 20 | Sailing Ship

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Ryder and the Solar Flare twins had already set the stage ablaze with their electrifying presence once more. The crowd in Berlin was on their feet, swept away by the music and the energy. And now, it was our turn.

I stepped onto the stage, the guitar strapped over my shoulder, and my heart pounded in rhythm with the opening chords. The roar of the crowd echoed in my ears, and I could feel their excitement like a tangible force.

But amid the lights and the music, my eyes sought out a particular figure in the crowd. Lexi, with her dark, captivating gaze, was watching me. It was as if our connection transcended the chaos of the stage, as if in that moment, it was just the two of us.

Our eyes locked, and a knowing smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Lexi's presence ignited a fire within me, fueling my performance with an intensity I hadn't felt before. As I sang the lyrics, my voice resonated with raw emotion, and I poured every ounce of myself into each note.

During one of our upbeat songs, our paths crossed on stage, and I couldn't help but reach out, letting my fingertips brush against Lexi's hand as I passed by. It was a subtle touch, fleeting yet electric, a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

Later, as we performed a slower, more soulful song, I could feel the weight of Lexi's gaze on me. Our eyes met again, and this time, there was an unspoken promise in the depths of her gaze. It was as if she was telling me that she was there with me, every step of the way.

In the midst of the music, we found our own rhythm, our own dance, each chord and lyric connecting us in a way that transcended words. As the final notes echoed through the venue, I felt a sense of satisfaction, of fulfillment, knowing that Lexi had witnessed every moment, every emotion that I had poured into that performance.

As the applause of the crowd filled the air, I stepped back, my heart racing and my breath coming in exhilarated gasps. And there, in that electric moment, I knew that the connection between us had deepened.

Nicole, in particular, seemed to be on cloud nine afterward, a contagious grin spread across her face. "Did you guys see that guy in the front row?" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Stella chuckled, her eyes scanning the surrounding area. "Oh, you mean the one who was dancing like nobody was watching?"

Nicole nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! I swear, he had some moves. I couldn't help but break into a little dance myself."

I laughed, picturing Nicole grooving along with the enthusiastic fan. "Well, you've got some competition, Nicole. He might just steal your dance moves."

Lexi joined in, her smile warm and infectious. "I think it's safe to say that our fans in Berlin really know how to have a good time."

Aria grinned, feeling the energy of her bandmates radiating around her. "We should do a dance-off with them one day. Eclipsia vs. Berlin fans. What do you think?"

Stella playfully nudged Aria's shoulder. "You're on! But I'm warning you, I've been practicing my robot dance."

We all burst into laughter, the lighthearted banter washing away any remaining tension from the performance.

📱 Tour App Notification: Prague, Czech Republic 🇨🇿

Check-in at Castle View Hotel: 2:00 PM 

Sightseeing and Exploring: 3:00 PM 🏰🏞️ 

Group Dinner at a local Restaurant: 7:00 PM 🍽️🍷

Return to Hotel: 10:00 PM

Please be mindful of local customs and dress appropriately for the dinner. Enjoy the enchanting beauty of Prague and take in the historic charm of the city!

Unwritten HarmonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora