Part 24 | A New Beginning ?

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Day 1:

Check-in at Harbor View Hotel: 3:00 PM

Sightseeing at Nyhavn Harbor: 4:30 PM 🏞️

Group Dinner at Tivoli Gardens: 7:00 PM 🍽️🎡

Day 2:

Morning Free for Personal Activities

Radio Interview at Wave FM: 2:00 PM 📻

Free Time for Shopping and Exploring: 4:00 PM 🛍️

Return to Hotel: 7:00 PM

Day 3:

Sound check: 2:00 PM

Show: 8:00 PM

Enjoy your stay in beautiful Copenhagen! Remember to carry your ID and any required documents for the radio interview. Have a fantastic time exploring the city! 🇩🇰🏰

Copenhagen, the second-to-last stop on our whirlwind tour, left me in awe. It's crazy how far we've come from those garage band days to these massive stages we now grace. As we checked into our hotel, a whirlwind of emotions swirled inside me.

Stella, always the ball of energy, couldn't contain her excitement. "Did you see the view from our room, guys? It's like something out of a postcard!"

Nicole, our meticulous eater, chimed in, "I  can't wait to go to our dinner reservation at Tivoli Gardens tonight!"

I caught Lexi's gaze, and her reassuring smile told me that no matter the challenges ahead, we could face them together.

I chuckled at my bandmates' enthusiasm. "Alright, alright, let's not get too carried away. We've got a show to rock soon!"

Stella playfully bumped into me. "Come on, Aria, we can squeeze in some fun too! Maybe we'll stumble upon a hidden gem in this city."

Nicole joined in, "Or get lost and discover a secret Danish bakery! You never know."

I couldn't help but smile. These girls, my rock and my family, had been my constants throughout this rollercoaster of a tour. Copenhagen held the promise of more adventures and misadventures, and I couldn't wait to share them with my bandmates.

Just as I was starting to relish the perfect moment with my bandmates in Copenhagen, that sense of impending dread crept back in. Austin's arrival loomed over us like a dark cloud, threatening to rain on our parade. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and anxiety, knowing that his presence would once again disrupt the harmony we had managed to find on this tour.

As Austin approached me, his smug smile intact, I braced myself for the impending confrontation. He didn't waste any time and, with a firm grip on my arm, began to lead me away from my bandmates.

"Hey, where do you think you're going with me?" I demanded, trying to sound confident despite my frustration.

His grin widened, clearly relishing the discomfort he was causing. "Oh, just thought we could have a little chat, Aria."

I shook my arm free from his grasp. "We've talked enough. I don't want to have anything to do with this fake relationship nonsense."

Austin chuckled condescendingly. "Come on, Aria, it's not that bad. Besides, we've got to keep up appearances."

I narrowed my eyes at him, unable to hide my annoyance. "Appearances? That's all this is to you?"

He shrugged, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "It's the name of the game, sweetheart."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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