Part 18 | Beautiful Brussels

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The show in Amsterdam last night had been a whirlwind of energy and emotion, but even as we left the venue, my mind was still fixated on the image of Ryder and Lexi kissing. 

The tour bus this morning was a mix of exhaustion and anticipation as we headed to our next destination, Brussels.

📱 Tour App Notification: Brussels, Belgium 🇧🇪

Check-in at Grand Palace Hotel: 1:00 PM

City Tour and Chocolate Tasting: 2:00 PM 🍫🏛️

Radio Interview: 4:00 PM 🎙️

Return to Hotel: by 9:00 PM

Immerse yourselves in the city's culture and indulge in the delightful chocolatey treats of Brussels!

Note: Tomorrows soundcheck has been delayed by 40 minutes. 

I tried my best to focus on the passing scenery outside the window, but my thoughts kept drifting back to that moment. I couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy and confusion that had taken hold of me. I glanced over at Lexi, who was engrossed in her phone, probably texting Ryder. A pang of something – was it longing? – tugged at my heart.

Nicole and Stella were chatting animatedly about the show, and I tried to join in, forcing a smile and nodding at their stories. But my mind was in turmoil, and I felt disconnected from the conversation.

"Hey, Aria, you've been awfully quiet," Nicole said, giving me a concerned look.

I forced another smile. "Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess."

Stella nudged me playfully. "Thinking about a certain someone?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, just... processing the show, you know?"

They exchanged knowing glances, but thankfully, they didn't press further. The truth was, I needed time to sort out my own feelings. I couldn't deny the unease I felt about the situation, and I needed to figure out what it meant for me and for the dynamics within the band.

As we arrived in Brussels, I found myself lost in my own world, my thoughts a jumble of emotions. I knew I had to confront this sooner rather than later.

Aria : Hey guys, guess where I am? Chocolate tasting in Brussels! 🍫 It's like a dream come true!

Sarah: OMG, Aria! You're so lucky! I've always wanted to do that. 😍

Michael: Seriously, Aria, you're living the dream. Enjoy all that deliciousness for me too! 🙌

Aria (You): Thanks, you two! Honestly, I wish you were here with me. I'm having a blast, but I miss you guys. It's been a bit overwhelming lately, and having my best friends around would be amazing right now. 💕

Sarah: Aww, we miss you too, Aria. Wish we could teleport over there!

Michael: Totally get that feeling. Just remember, we're here cheering you on from across the world. And I'll definitely settle for a detailed chocolate review when you're back. 😄

Aria (You): Haha, deal! And thanks for always being there for me, even from afar. Love you guys! ❤️ Gotta go, more chocolate to taste! 🍬🍭

Sarah: Love you too, Aria! Have the best time! 🥳

Michael: Take care and enjoy every moment, okay? 🎸🍫

Later that day the radio studio was abuzz with energy as the girls entered, greeted by the friendly host who welcomed them with a warm smile. The host motioned for them to take their seats, and the girls settled in, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Unwritten HarmonyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz