Chapter One: Death But Not Dead

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Part 0.
Frenda Seivelun was currently bruised and bloody in an alleyway in the scientific city known as Academy City.

She looked up at the #2 level 5 Tetikou Kakine known as Dark Matter, he is one of only seven level 5's in Academy City and has been currently trying to get her to tell him where Item's hideout is.

Item is the dark side organization Frenda was a part of, it was led by Shizuri Mugino the #4 level 5 in Academy City.

Frenda knew Kakine needed her alive so he would not kill her before she disclosed the information to him, and if she could hold out long enough, she was sure Mugino would find her.

Although, she wasn't really sure that Shizuri Mugino would even stand a chance against the #2 though, but it would give her time to escape.

In the next moment, she heard footsteps coming down the alleyway, she looked hoping to see Mugino her leader, but was most disappointed to instead see a girl in a pink dress with blonde hair done up in a fancy fashion.

This girl was a deadly assassin and the main source for gathering information for School, the rival group of Item that was run by Tetikou Kakine the #2 in front of her now, unfortunately when Item got information on School from their usual faceless contractor, she failed to mention that Dark Matter was the leader of School when Item attacked School.

Mugino and Kakine had a short battle after she killed a boy named Yobo. Then they ended up having to split up, on the way back to the Item hideout.

Which was a nice condominium in District 3, she was cut off by Kakine and had to run, unfortunately, the boy was easily able to catch her and has been torturing her for the past 15 minutes.

The girl in the pink dress, Kaibi Gokusai walked over with a smile on her face. "Come on Kakine are you really telling me you needed me for this? You can't extract the information on the Item hideout yourself?" Kaibi's tone actually seemed more playful than annoyed at the boy's request.

"Just fucking do it, we really don't have time for this... I still have to find the location of Last Order to draw out Accelerator." Kakine said. "You are really planning to kill the #1? Are sure you can beat him?" Kaibi asked she was truly concerned for the safety of the #2, she knew that Accelerator, Academy City's #1 level 5 was practically invincible, and had been the biggest focus of Aleister's plan next to Imagine Breaker.

Which was a power wielded by Touma Kamijou, a boy that was a level 0, but for some reason she didn't understand, he was one of the main focuses of Aleister's plan. Kaibi figured it was because of his power Imagine Breaker, she didn't know what the power did, but she was sure whatever it was, that was the reason.

According to Academy City rumors, Touma Kamijou once defeated Accelerator in combat, and single-handedly put a stop to Protect Level 6 Shift, as a member of the dark side, and from the secret information she was able to get her hands on, Kaibi knew that what Academy City called conspiracy theories and rumors, were actually 100% fact, and hidden secrets by the governing board, and the man known only as Aleister Crowley the head chairman of Academy City.

Kakine looked annoyed with Kaibi. "Are you doubting me? With the tweezers in my possession, I now have all the information on Accelerator's ability, I know how to get passed that annoying reflection of his, killing him will be a piece of cake." Kakine was confident and very prideful of his ability and the information the tweezers gave him.

With the information he gained on Accelerator, he would be able to kill the #1 and make Aleister notice him. "No, I would never doubt you." Kakine looked at Kaibi annoyed. "Just extract the information we need, if Aim Stalker gains any more power it will be a problem, best we kill her now and eliminate the problem, if she ever were to reach level 5 then theoretically she could remove my ability from me, by affecting my personal reality," Kakine said as Kaibi crouched next to Frenda.

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