Chapter Six: A Mission with CEMN

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This is a weird Chapter that will probably have you scratching your head afterwards.

Part 0.
The airship ride may be nice and relaxing. But Frenda Seivelun was not in a very happy mood right now, She was going on a secret mission issued by Ozpin himself, with Team CEMN.

Frenda Seivelun didn't really have a problem with the team as a whole just one person from the team, that person being the girl known as Cinder Fall. The truth was Frenda didn't like Cinder at all, She reminded Frenda of Shizuri Mugino, not the Shizuri that cared for her teammates but the one that killed her.

The whole situation sucked for Frenda Seivelun.

But, she agreed to be a temporary fifth member of Team CEMN, only because Ozpin made this job sound urgent.

Frenda Seivelun sat in the bullhead as she remembered the conversation from yesterday.

Frenda walked into the office of the man only known as Ozpin. Frenda knew he was actually a wizard named Ozma, who had been alive on this planet for a few thousand years.

Frenda doesn't know how she gained this information, when she first arrived here on Remnant she ended up getting a bunch of strange visions of different things and one of those things was Ozma and Salem. She had also learned of the two gods of Remnant Zaviar and Zoulexivar, All this information was forced into her head by something, Frenda believed the tree had something to do with it.

Frenda had looked around the office, and she was confused at why Cinder Fall, Neopolitan Vanille, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black were there as well, Ozpin looked to Frenda and gestured for her to have a seat in one of the available chairs.

Frenda sat down as far away from Cinder Fall as she could, she didn't want to be near Cinder Fall, maybe it was jealousy because Cinder became fast friends with Ruby Rose or something else, to say the truth Frenda Seivelun didn't entirely know why she hated Cinder Fall there could have been a few reasons, But she was sure the girl wasn't truly seventeen as she claimed, It sounded like bullshit to Frenda that Cinder Fall was a first year Beacon student, She looked older than Mugino.

This was one of the reasons Frenda didn't trust Cinder, She knew Cinder was lying about her age, so that made Frenda wonder what else she could be lying about. Is Team CEMN even a real Beacon team or are they here for something, apparently they helped during the terrorist attack a couple of weeks back, But that didn't mean that they weren't just making themselves look good for the school.

Ozpin had called this meeting in secret, he hadn't even told Glynda Goodwitch about it. "Good, I am so glad you could make it Miss Seivelun," Ozpin greeted in a friendly voice. His face then became serious, as he hit a button on his monitor locking the elevator.

"Now this can not be repeated to anyone, not even your friends or sisters, In a village near Patch there has been something very strange going on, people have reported some very strange sightings of very strange creatures."

"Grimm?" Emerald asked.

"No, that is the strange part, It's not Grimm it's something else, I don't what it could be, But I personally don't believe the reports myself."

"The villagers have reported that it is... Aliens. They claim to have seen the alien's spacecraft and they described the creatures as being very tall and pale white with large eyes and claim the creatures can fly around without the use of wings or any kind of dust," Ozpin explained. His expression became more serious.

"You don't have to go on this mission if you wish not, But if you decide to take this mission and end up seeing or finding something strange, Then I would really appreciate it if you keep it to yourselves."

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