Chapter Eight: The Body Carver

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Part 1.
"You are a lot stronger than I was expecting, I guess that's why you are considered the strongest student, Neo lost to you twice so far, But she is only a close-up fighter and doesn't use any ranged attacks."

Cinder Fall jumped away from Frenda's bomb dodging the explosion, She then fired four arrows at Frenda, Who dodged two of them then hit the other two away with her daggers.

"In the end, You talk a lot during fights," Frenda declared as she threw two ice dust bombs, Cinder went to jump away from them, But these particular bombs were very sensitive and they would explode on contact.

Cinder was surprised when Frenda quickly pulled a gun and shot one of the bombs, It exploded right next to Cinder doing damage to her aura, She rolled along the floor using it to dodge the second explosion from the other bomb.

But as she got up Frenda was there to kick her in the stomach, It didn't do much but she still took the hit. (Damn, If this keeps up I'll lose.)

Cinder pulled her swords and swung multiple times, But Frenda easily dodged every strike, Then she slammed her shoe into Cinder's sword which was blocking her chest.

(This is ridiculous, It's like she knows my moves before I execute them, Is this her semblance? Does she have precognition?)

Frenda Seivelun moved quickly to Cinder with her aura enhanced, She threw a knife at Cinder and Cinder quickly moved out of the way, However, Cinder ended up moving right into the back of Frenda's foot, Her shoe slammed into the side of Cinder's head sending her across the ring, Frenda followed this up with two shots to Cinder's aura.

Cinder jumped up and fired an arrow at Frenda, This was a fire dust arrow meant to explode, Frenda could sense this and she created a hard light dust shield to take the explosion. "In the end, Stealing my schtick huh?"

Cinder smirked at that little comment. "You're not the only one who can use explosions."

"Well, I think it's time to end this fight, In the end, What do you think?" Frenda asked.

"Bring it on bomber girl," Cinder replied with confidence, However, That confidence was very short-lived.

Frenda enhanced her aura, Moving so fast she created after images, Cinder couldn't even see her, Then she felt something dig into her cheek and realized it was Frenda's fist too late, The hit knocked Cinder's aura into the red ending the match.

The bell sounded and Glynda Goodwitch walked over. "Well, That's the match, Looks like Frenda Seivelun is still undefeated."

Frenda helped Cinder up in good sportsmanship. "Good fight, But you focus too much on trying to strike your opponent and don't plan out attacks or time them correctly, Your too easy to read Cinder."

Cinder scoffed. "I can tell your hiding something about your power, I just need to find out what that is."

Cinder walked away and Frenda Seivelun smirked to herself.

(Fu fu fu, In the end, It looks like she hates losing.)

Frenda walked through the halls on her way to lunch, She found Teams RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, CEMN, and her own team, She sat down and pulled out a can of mackerel habanero flavor this time.

"Hey Frenda? I never asked, Why do you always eat those cold?" Jaune asked, He never once saw Frenda eat warm Mackerel, Typically you were supposed to use it as a cooking ingredient, But Frenda Seivelun always ate it cold straight from the can.

"In the end, I just like it this way."

It was a satisfying enough answer. "Alright then."

"So, That was an awesome fight right?" Nora of course brought up.

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