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Afterlife🤭 (third person) in order.

"Haha! You cant catch me,squidney!" Oeca shouted running and hiding behind its house.
"Oh I'm gonna get you,crayon eater!" Squidney shouted back,chasing him quickly.
"You guys are idiots,you hear that! Idiots I tell you." Mohwee said rolling his eyes.
"At least we aren't a saddo!!!" Oeca screamed running,knowing mohwee was gonna come for him.
"OH YOU LITTLE S**T IM GONNA GET YOU NOW." Mohwee screeched getting out of his seat.

"HEY DINGBATS THE ELEVATOR IS DOWN,GET OVER HERE NOW." Squidney screamed,like a mother of two stupid children.
"HUH" they both said in sync.

The elevator rose, a small red-headed person with an adorable red tail came up on the platform.

"APO?!" The three of them stared at him,surprisingly, he was still alive.
Squidney looked down at his stomach,staring at the wound where the spear had gone through his chest, "What happened there apo.. that looks like it was painful."

"Ohh, that was Owen."
"OWEN???" Mohwee stared at apo with his jaw basically unhinged.
"Uh..yea. He kinda shoved a spear through my stomach in the maze. He was sent into the maze for mass murder and arson on demons.."
They were all speechless,Owen?! The kindest person,other than graecie,was a murder. A war criminal.
"Well,welcome to the the clearing." Squidney smiled.
"I'm guessing this is where we go since we are dead."
"Yep, you got that right." Mohwee butted in.
"Better get used to it. You'll be here for a long time."

                        A long long time,apo..

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