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Ori laid unconscious in Ayngels arms,his arms and legs scarred and burnt.
"H-he.. no." Ayngel mumbled,tears running down her cheeks,after realising what Ori had done.
"Ayngel.. what- what happened" Apo said,he got no reply just a *hic* Ayngel was crying,sobbing.
"Let me.." Apo took Ori out of her arms carefully setting him on the grass,while everyone came running over.
He quickly sat Ayngel down back on the chair,she still stayed silent,tears pooling onto her blood stained t-shirt.
He knelt down to ayngel, mumbling "Can you hear me..?"
Ayngel had blocked out the entire world,she couldn't stop thinking about what she'd caused. If she hadn't of went into the dark maze after Ori,she and Ori would still be alive. She felt like a terrible person.
"What happened?!" Owen shouted staring at apo.
"I-I don't know I just saw Ayngel holding Ori and crying.. I didn't know what to do."
"What's wrong with her..?" Squidney said walking over and glaring at Ayngel.
"I don't know." Apo groaned.

Guts picked up Ori and brought him back to their house,their house had the most room so it was best.Oeca,rasbi and mohwee followed carefully making sure guts didn't drop him.

              —back with Ayngel—

"Squidney what do you remember happening when he came up."Owen queried.
"Well,he came up as normal and ayngel said his name and he.. he didn't know who she was talking about,he didn't remember his own name." She stammered.
Ayngel sat in the chair,her legs up to her chest,crying into her knees.
"Ayngel,it's okay.. please breathe."
Rasbi said holding her hand gently, she rubbed it with her other hand.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry" Ayngel chocked out.
"Don't be sorry,this wasn't your fault,please calm down." Rasbi said wiping the tears off Ayngel cheeks.
"B-but." Ayngel mumbled.
"Shhhh.." rasbi hissed.

     —when ayngel calmed down—

"What happened ayngel." Squidney asked.
"He came out the elevator. And once you left he just collapsed into me.. I held him and noticed the. The burn marks on his legs and arms." She paused," he jumped off the tree.."
The three of them stood, shocked,
Ori was not the type of person to do that. He was gentle and kind..
"But he would never.why would he do that.." Owen mumbled.
"I don't know.." Ayngel coughed.
"He must of just.." rasbi muttered.
Ayngel sighed heavily."it's my fault.. if I hadn't been so stupid I would have got either of us killed"
"Woah woah woah woah,stop right there" Squidney rambled."none of this is your fault,ayngel don't blame something that's not your fault on yourself."
Ayngel smiled."I'm sorry.."

    —with ori and everyone else—

"Is he going to be okay..?" Oeca mumbled.
"I- I don't know.." guts breathed,looking at ori,"soup would have been better for this job.. I mean she helped graecie."
"Yea."Mohwee groaned.

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