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—3 hours after ori came up—

Guts,just, sat. They didn't know what to do.They had never dealt with any of this,they had no medical skill.
"Please wake up soon..."
They didn't know what to say,they couldn't do anything. They were useless.

—in oris head—

"Where am I.." he mumbled.
"Why cant I remember,who I am,what happened. I cant.."
He walked around,it was a plain white room,no exit,no entrance just white..
"Please stop. Stop it I don't like it."
Ori sat in the corner in a ball,his head resting inbetween his knees. He just cried, and cried and cried until his tears im refused to come out. He was so scared and alone. He just wanted to go back home. Someone take him back home..

—back in the clearing—

"I wonder how many more people there are to come up.." Owen nagged.
"Probably like 2." Rasbi replied.
"Hopefully,none." Apo added.

—about 6 hours later—

Creak.. rattle. Another person..? Who could it be.. No one knew it was a surprise everytime.

—In the elevator—

"I-" Bek Muttered rubbing her head."what happened."
She was in a tunnel. A dark tunnel,no light,no one else,no lever to get up. She was stuck,she couldn't see,her leg stung,she couldn't do anything,she felt awful.
"HELP!" She screamed,her throat raspy.
She gave up and just sat. Quietly,waiting for god to come.

—3 minutes later—

A figure appeared,a human figure,they're face was mashed up and destroyed.
"Hello..?" Soup cried,she couldn't see it was all black.
"Soup.Soup is that you?!" Bek said hugging her.
"I-.Oh my god,Bek!" Soup shouted,hugging her back.
"Do you know where we are..?" Soup asked.
"I think we're in the elevator..again." Bek mumbled.
"I-I cant see Bek. It's so dark.." soup whispered.
"Look at me?." Bek answered.
Soup did as said looking Bek.
"Oh s**t,soup.."
"Is it bad.?" Soup queried.
"Your..your blind soup."
"WHAT." Soup screamed,her screams echoed through the clearing.

—up top with the fruit trio—

"What.." Rasbi flinched.
"The hell." Apo added.
"That sound like.." Owen continued.
"SOUP." They all cried at the same time running towards the elevator.
They stopped,looking down,as Bek looked up at them.
"OWEN,APO,RASBI?!" She screamed.
"YEA!BUT SOMETHINGS WRONG.." she shouted back.
"PRESS THE LEVER" Rasbi said,looking at Apo and Owen.
Bek pressed the lever,which brought them up,to Apo owen and rasbi.Owen helped Bek up and Apo helped soup.
Soup sighed,"we're dead,arnt we."
"Yea"the trio answered.
"So what's wrong with soup." Owen asked.
"She's blind.." Bek mumbled.
"Oh.." the three of the whispered under their breathes.
"How..?" Owen added.
"I.. I was stood on a pressure plate. Someone had to stay back. I couldn't let magic die.i had to do it.." soup played with her hair.
"Where is everyone.." Bek added.
"In their houses." Owen answered.
"Houses?" Bek questioned,"is this place basically just the clearing but for dead people."
Rasbi nodded.
"Well,we should be the last ones,they're getting out now,krows being an idiot as always." Soup chuckled.
"Good." Owen said rolling his eyes.
"You 4 follow me,I can show you something." Someone said.
It was mohwee who had heard the entire conversation,he was hid behind a tree.
"You- he. Okay then."Rasbi followed them all,in the back.
"Here." Mohwee said pointing at the wall of names."it has everyone's names on even people from clearing 2, and acho and Kyle."
"So,it's clears off everyone's names when we die? Like a countdown." Bek added.
"What are we looking at? Did you all FORGET I CANT SEE?!" Soup shouted.
"Oh crap sorry soup." Mohwee giggled.
"It's fine."
Everyone laughed as mohwee continued saying,"Yes bek that's true but it also has an arrow next to kyles name. I've watched the names for awhile and everyone that's had an arrow next to their name has came up the next 4-6 hours.."
Everyone just looked at the names,expect soup,shocked and silent.
"So kyles.. next?" Owen muttered.
"I guess so." Mohwee answered.
"Hey who wants to bet on how he'll die?" Rasbi giggled in the corner.
"Me!" Mohwee,Owen and Bek shouted.
"I don't think that's a good idea." Soup said,trying to defend kyle,"it's not very nice."
"I agree with soup." Apo put his hand on soups shoulder carefully.

Owen,rasbi,mohwee and Bek walked one way to bet on Kyle,while apo and soup went another.

—with the gamblers—

"Well,I think he's gonna get shot by a guard." Bek announced proudly.
"Hm,well I think krow might go for him." Owen mumbled.
"Ooo good bet,dude. He'll probably just fall into a trap or something." Mohwee laughed.
"He'll probably drown saving acho." Rasbi added.
"Soo how much we betting on it?" Owen questioned.
"£15 anddd a kiss." Rasbi joked.
"EWWW." The other three shouted.

—with apo and soup—

"Do you wanna go see oeca and squidney? I think their over this way." Apo asked,holding soups hand,and pulling her in a direction.
"Squidney could make you a walking stick,she's very handy with that type of stuff." Apo smiled.
"That would be nice." Soup walked.
"Want me to pick you up? Her house is a tree house,with lots of ladders."
"Yea..sure" as she said that Apo picked her up,gently, taking her up the stairs and ladders.
Knock knock knock!
"Hello?" Apo shouted,"squidneyyy I brought a guest!"
"Coming!" Squidney took her oven gloves off,walking to the door,she opened it,carefully.
"Oh heavens! Soup!"
"Hello squidney." Soup smiled,"where are you?" She asked,moving her hands in random places.
"I'm here." Squidney giggled,holding her hands,putting soups hands on her own shoulders.
"Oh!" Soup smiled ear-to-ear.

"What happened to her?" Squidney queried after letting them in and sitting them both on the couch.
"She's blind. We we're wondering if you could make a walking stick for her.? To make it easier." Apo replied.
"Yea! Of course I can. Do either of you want something to drink? I have cookies." Squidney smiled.
"Cookies!!" Soup shouted.
"I'll have some coffee,if that's okay." Apo giggled.
"Do you want anything soup?" Squidney asked.
"No thank you."

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