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"Owen?!" Both of the boys shouted.
"Hehe.. yea. Hi.." Owen shrugged his shoulders.
Oeca grabbed Owen pulling him outside the house while mohwee ran and gathered everyone together,Owen didn't say a word.

—at the meeting/trial—

"O-Owen..?" Apo mumbled under his breath hanging onto rasbis shoulder,gently.
Owen looked away,confused on where he was and why apo,guts and rasbi looked...scared.?
Everyone sat down quickly,in a circle.
"Owen. Why did you do it." Mohwee asked.
Owen looked up at mohwee,"do what..?i don't remember.."
"What." Rasbi,guts and Apo said in union.
"You don't remember brutally murdering guts,rasbi and Apo!?" Oeca shouted.
"Yea,how do you forgot something like that!" Mohwee joined in.
"I-I what.." Owen mumbled,his eyes dotting around at everyone,he was panicking. He didn't know he did those awful things he didn't mean to he didn't!
"Owen?" Squidney shouted staring at him,waving her hand in his face, he had just.. zoned out completely.
"Owennn.." she continued.
"Anyone know what's wrong with him..?" Oeca mumbled quietly.
Owen felt like he was dying,even though he was already dead, he just wanted to disappear. He killed 3 people who didn't deserve any of it. He couldn't breathe,he was freaking out.
"I think he's having a panic attack." Rasbi said running over to him,holding his hand. "Hey! Owen can you hear me."

Owen could hear a strange voice talking to him,he couldn't tell who it was but they sounded sweet..

"It's okay. I promise you it's going to be okay. Stay with me owen. Stay calm." Rasbi said.
"Follow my breathes.A deep one in.. and out." She mumbled.

Owen quickly snapped out of it flinching,at how close Rasbi was.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I messed up I didn't want to I don't want to." Owen rambled,starting to cry.
"Hey,hey it's okay owen. I'm here" Rasbi said sitting next to him,still holding his hand gently.
Owen breathed deeply,sighing.
"I f****d up, I know I did.. I don't know why I did it. I regret it very much but I got what I deserved.."
Everyone was,honestly,quite shocked he swore,but could understand that he wasn't lying. I mean why would he,he cant really do much if he's dead. It's up to the demons if they want him here or in the prison..
"I'd say it's okay.. I'm happy here" Apo said hugging Owen, whispering into his ear"we can have our fruit trio now"
"Same" Rasbi mumbled.
Guts kinda just rolled their eyes,uninterested.
"I forgot to tell you all.. The clearing has burned down.. that's how I died they locked me in the prison and I got burnt alive. But the lava is rising.. I know who is going to be here soon.." he whispered.
"...who?" Guts asked.
"Ayngel.. she got stung by the griever and couldn't make it through the maze,she on top of Ori's tree.. she'll be here soon."
"Oh.." three people said at once.

The clearing was going to packed, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 people. Everyone just had to pray no one else was going to die...

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