Afterlife (last part)

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Rasbi and mohwee both ran towards the elevator,to see Kyle,sat in a ball in the corner of it.
"Don't touch me." He said,pulling out a knife.
"Woah Woah okay-" Rasbi stepped back.
"We're just here to help and answer your questions."Mohwee smiled.
"Well,where am I and why are you two here?"
"First one,You are dead, and two we are also dead." Rasbi answered,while Mohwee nodded.
"Oh.Well,atleast I protected acho.."
"Sooo. How did you die?" Mohwee chuckled looking at Rasbi who was rolling her eyes.
"Well,this machine was in a plain white room and krow put its hand on it,we all learned it killed its brothers and was a cult leader. It went crazy and slit my neck open. I died in achos arms.." Kyle looked at his feet,he was now standing up,looking ashamed.
"Holy,thats a lot." Rasbi mumbled.

Bek and Owen ran over,looking in the elevator at,Kyle rasbi and mohwee.
"Oh hey guys." Mohwee smiled.
"Hi! And welcome Kyle." Owen exclaimed.
"Is he..okay? Like is he not all demon killer insane,you know."Kyle stared at mohwee,who replied with,"yea he regrets what he did and is very sorry. I mean Apo,rasbi and guts forgive him so."
Kyle got up the ladders,looking around at the maze walls,his second time here.
"Still the maze theme I see." He laughed.
Owen turned to the white haired demon,asking,"sooo how did he die."
"Krow got him." Rasbi whispered.
"Get in." Owen shouted,"so when my kiss." He shot quickly,joking around.
Rasbi shouted ew,quickly running away towards oecas house.

And well from there,they all lived happily,ever after,as a family and as friends,they where all happy and did lots of stuff together.

                                 ☆The end☆

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