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-after apo settled in-

Oeca left his house and walked onto the grass, it was 11:49am and he couldn't sleep.
"I don't mind being here but I miss the clearing.." he mumbled to himself.
He laid down staring at the dark sky, looking at the stars.
"I hope everyone makes it out and finds an exit.."

Just then he heard shouting coming from the elevator. It sounded like.. Guts?! He walked over to it and there stood,the one and only 7'9 demon,gutsluvr.
"OECA?!" They shouted.
"Shhhhh" I said, "everyone's asleep,you'll wake them up."
"Oh yea,sorry.." they mumbled.
"It's fine."
"Soo,I'm guessing I'm dead..?"
"Yea,question,how did you die?" Oeca asked bending his neck to look at them.
"Owen.. kinda tricked me into thinking he wanted to have a nice diner.. He ended up stabbing me in the chest with a spear.After dropping me from a 6 block height,breaking my legs." Guts said smirking sarcastically.
"Owen,again?!" Oeca angrily muttered.
"What do you mean?"
"Owen killed Apo aswell.." Oeca said looking back a the stars.
"Oh...He's a ugly,old b*stard."guts said rolling their eyes.
Oeca chuckled,guts was, honestly,quite funny,oeca had never really talked to them but I mean he had to start somewhere.

"So how have you been oeca?" Guts smiled at oeca gently.
"I've been okay,missing everyone but im okay here. For awhile it was just me, mohwee and squidney. But you and Apo have arrived in the span of 5 days.." Oeca rambled on.
"Atleast your not as lonely!" Guts said trying to stay on the positive side.
"I guess.."oeca replied,"We should probably go to bed it's pretty late. I have a spare sleeping bag if you wanna use it."
"Yea, that would be nice,thanks oeca."they said following oeca to
his house.

"Welcome,i guess, it's not much but I cant complain" Oeca grabbed the sleeping bag a handed it to guts as he climbed into his own bed.
Guts put the sleeping bag down and got into comfortably.
"Good night." Guts mumbled,half asleep.
"Good night.."


Guts opened their eyes,and starred at oeca making eggs, bacon and pancakes for the both of them.
"Eh? Since when could you cook!" Guts said standing up as oeca turned around.
"It's been awhile! I needed a new hobby. Dingus." Oeca shouted
"DINGUS?!" Guts,basically screamed,the whole clearing could probably hear it.

Oeca rolled his eyes, flipping a pancake in the pan, while his eggs fried and his bacon was bubbling.
"Smells nice" guts said trying to sweeten the mood.

Guts sat at the table in the corner, waiting patiently for their breakfast.While oeca continued to flip the pancakes until perfections. He took two plates and put 2 pancakes on each and some honey on the top. Then he but one fried egg on each plate and next to that two pieces of crispy bacon.
He brought the plates to the table putting one infront of guts and one infront of the other seat. He sat down infront of guts smiling.
"Bon ã petit!" He smirked and dig straight into his food.
"Yummy. This is so good oeca!" Guts mumbled,while eating their pancakes.

—after breakfast—

"I'm gonna go and see mohwee and squidney. Wanna come?" Oeca asked while cleaning the last of the dishes.
"Uhh yea sure. I might aswell." Guts replied,opening the door and looking at the sky.
Oeca led guts to where mohwee and squidney where, they walked towards them before squidney turned around.
"GUTS?!" She shouted,"WAIT WHAT?!"
Mohwee,soon after turned around too,shocked.
"Haha... yea! Hi guys.."
Oeca rolled his eyes sitting down next to mohwee.
"How did you get here? Who-" mohwee said.
"It was owen again,he's being a jerk currently." Oeca uttered under his breath."they came really late at night so they slept a my house"
Guts sat next to squidney,smiling as squid was currently making a daisy crown.
"Woah.. that's so cool" guts said,staring at the daisies.
"It's a daisy crown! I can make one for you if you want." Squidney laughed.
"Yes please!"
Squidney made a total of five daisy crowns while guts,mohwee,oeca and apo,who came over after waking up, talked to each other about random stuff.
Squidney put them on top of her own head,wrapping it round her goggles. She did the same with mohwees and then she put guts' around their horns. She put oeca over his hat and Apos just on his head,gently.
"Daisy crowns for everyone."
"Aw thanks squidney!" Apo smiled.
"Yea thanks!" Mohwee mumbled,but really inside he was crying of happiness.
"It's so cute" guts shouted.
"I agree with guts." Oeca smirked.
"You 2 get along quite well." Mohwee joked.
"Yea. I guess we do!" Guts chuckled.

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